Addiction Is a Self-Devouring, Bacteria

Psalm 105:4 Look to the Lord and His strength;
seek His face always.

John 15:11 I have told you this so that my joy may
be in you, and that your joy may be complete.

Self-devouring, flesh-eating bacteria can take your life quickly.

There is so much addiction in America that devours both body and soul:
* Sex/prostitution
*Having kids out of wedlock.a child will love me.
*Spending money/shopping
*Phone addiction
Yes, these can all be considered addictions.

I realized this myself about ten years ago. Tending to be somewhat OCD, there was a movie that I was truly obsessed with.

I kid you not as I relay this information. I knew that I was a bit CRA-CRA going to see it for the third time. I look back on this situation now, and realize how ridiculous my actions were.

Something just didn’t feel right, as the movie began. Now I realize that it was the Holy Spirit working on me. Very boldly this statement came to my mind. ”I Am the Lord Thy God. You shall have no other gods before me.” That shook my soul big time.

Anything in our lives can become an addiction, if we preference it.

Addictions are results of neediness in our lives. They numb our senses, add to our emotions, and hide the pains of past experiences in our lives.

God helped me to realize something about myself. My father was seriously mentally ill. There was no loving Father/little girl relationship. I lived in fear and disgust growing up.

So God made the following very clear to me:
*You easily obsess about romance, be it books, movies, or loving relationships.
*You dated 1000 guys in college.
*However, you made good choices in life, education and your marriage.
*You thought your husband would fill all of the holes in your heart. Remember, Prince Charming fell off his horse quickly after the wedding.
*BUT THEN YOU REALIZED: Only God can fill the holes in your heart.

I had a sister who passed when I was 21. She was 27. She was desperate to be loved. She was very ADD and had learning disabilities. So she married the first creep that paid attention to her. Unfortunately, her poor choices caused her demise. She was pregnant and hospitalized for some type of blockage. She was to have no food or drink by mouth. Her illiterate spouse gave her food and drink unbeknownst to the hospital staff. She went into labor and aspirated.

After this experience in my life, I gave full attention to my students. Many of them were born out of wedlock. Many of their moms had 3 different kids by 3 different men. You get the broad spectrum of the dysfunction in parenting.

Praise God, if you have no serious addiction. If you do, you need to seek medical/mental assistance.

However, we all have small addictions that we need to work on. I’m going to be very honest about myself, and I’m not ashamed to admit my addiction.
FOOD…. I love to cook and create. So I have to be very careful, and make sure that I eat healthy. Yeah Right! LOLOL!!! I just had a bowl of fresh
baked Mac’n cheese. I’m also a Chocoholic.

Our neediness can only be filled by One Entity….The Holy Spirit. Allow Him to fill the holes in your heart. Pray, seek His guidance, Allow God to be the antibiotic that devours your soul-eating bacteria.

HEAVENLY FATHER: Open the eyes of those who have huge holes in their hearts. Help them to realize that only you can fill them with love, joy, and peace.

Sue Cutler
Fearless Faith