Growing Deep Roots And Long Limbs

Isaiah 61: 3 They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting for the Lord.

Isaiah 61:9 Their descendants will be known among the nations, and their offspring among the peoples.

My husband and I look at each other…”How in God’s name did we do it?Anyone that makes raising children in a hard working, Christian Environment a priority, knows that it is a defining goal for their characters.

Raising kids in a Godly manner …IS NOT EASY!!!! Just like all teens, our kids were a pain in the butt, and had their moments. Mom and dad were thought to be really stupid. They rebelled and wanted to do things their way.

Kids need guidance, love, and the freedom to make mistakes, and learn on their own. “Sometimes, if they burn their butts, by the wrong choices they make, they’ll have to sit on the blisters.” Not fun!!!

I think that the greatest gifts we gave our 3 sons were deep, strong, country roots that were congruent with the Almighty.

When they lived at home, we weren’t their best friends. We were their parents. Sure, we worked and played together. However, I was blessed to have Mr. Moo Cow rule the roost.

Oh years ago, they used to think that we were both so mean. LOLOL!!!

Don’t get me wrong. I know many single moms who walk on water. Through no fault of their own, they have been left in circumstances, in which they are the only strong parents who set the rules.

Also, it’s not about a person’s wealth or education. In 1896, my Granny went to the 6th grade. “They put a corset on me and sent me to work in the shoe factory.” “I was 10 yrs. old.” It’s her legacy of faith and hard work that make me tick to this very day.

Roots are so important in raising a child. As an early child educator for 37 years, one sees all different lifestyles, some amazing, some not so pleasant. Kids need a strong core to become successful in life.

Roots bless a child with the following:
*Identify with a core family value.
*Identify with short/long term goals
*Identify with a work ethic
*Value a spiritual core…
*Instill confidence, respect, kindness, and trust, giving back to the community.
*The opportunity and the freedom to fail or succeed.

This past week was the Madison County Fair. Talk about growing roots and limbs, 4H at the fair is the ultimate well-oiled learning machine for life lessons.

You give your child a real gift when you allot him/her the following: getting involved with animals, projects, crafts, contests, and having him/her deal with all of the responsibilities.

Fair week was always the big event of the summer. It was our vacation with the boys. We worked, played, visited, competed, camped, showed animals, and worked on different fair committees.

Seeing all of the pictures on FB of my former students rocking their 4H Projects really brings honor to their parents and teachers.

All of my boys have their favorite 4H stories. For example: having cow patty fights in the barn, water fights while washing the show animals, card games on the show box, tractor pulls, and watching the Demolition Derby till midnight.

Also, the fair is a great social event. Many a friendship and romance were created at the Madison County Fair.

You know the old adage: Give a man a fish and he ’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he’ll have food for a lifetime. The same thing applies to parenting. Set a great example for your kids.

Keep them so busy they have no time for drugs or getting into trouble. Give them deep roots so they can grow limbs of their own.

HEAVENLY FATHER: Parenting is without a doubt, the most difficult occupation known to man; if it is done proficiently. Open the hearts and minds of those who parent. Have them realize that being a parent is a major responsibility, not to be taken lightly. Amen.

Fearless Faith…. Sue Cutler