Yes, The Fruit Of The Spirit.Is Yummy.

Gal 5:22-26 But the Fruit of the Spirit is love, joy,
peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness, and self-control. Against such things,
there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus
have crucified the sinful nature with its passions
and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us
keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become
conceited, provoking, and envying each other.

Fruit is yummy,
I love it so.
The Spirit teaches,
The things we should know.
Many don’t listen.
They are all about self.
They say, ”What matters?’’
They shove the fruit on the shelf.

They’ll yawn and ahem.
When the truth is revealed,
It hurts no one but them.
Let’s look at these gifts.
Let’s teach what they bless.
Then maybe our lives
Won’t be such a mess.

The media screams,
”No Fruit, God, or Love!
They think about power
And nothing above.
Jesus teaches to love every brother.
So get on a roll,
And love one another.
Now go to the orchard,
The Spirit supplies.
Our Nation will lift
Their hearts to the skies.

Joy is a fruit,
Created within,
From family and blessings,
Looking towards Him.

Peace is so sweet,
Comes from hanging with Him.
Once He indwells you,
It’s not just a whim.
Strength you’ll accrue,
As lessons He’ll give.
No matter what happens,
You’ll have guidance to live.

Patience can often be sour you know.
It takes lots of work to make it grow.
Experience molds us
And helps character form.
The gift of patience,
Will become the norm.

Kindness, my favorite,
Is juicy and firm.
Peel back the skin,
And reveal all its terms.
First you must feel,
From your heart for your friends.
Give of yourself,
You’ll be blessed in the end.

Goodness takes on an entire new form.
Shows how to treat others,
As you awake every morn.
Be righteous to others.
Oh! The joy you will bring!
It’s never wrong,
To do the right thing.

Faithfulness is fruit
That is quite hard to peel.
You squeeze it and test it,
With prayer and zeal.
Once you listen
And off comes the peel,
You’ll know in your heart,
That salvation is real.

Gentleness-soft and Oh so sweet,
Covers others with blessings,
And gives them a treat.
With His arms around you,
You have nothing to fear.
Treat softy all brothers
Shoving anger arrears.

Self-control is a hard fruit to crack.
It’s all about filling up things that we lack.
With God and “Do right,”
And always believe.
The Spirit will hold you,
And Him you won’t grieve.

Grab A Fruit of The Spirit,
It can’t be beat.

Sue Cutler Fearless Faith