Peace, Rest, And A Good Night's Sleep

Psalm 3:5 I lie down and sleep; I awake again
because The Lord sustains me.

Psalm 4:8 I lie down and sleep in peace, for you
alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.

We’ve all been there and done that: the job,
the marriage, the kids, the divorce, the demise,
the birth, the game, the farm, the weather, the
finances, pissy siblings/friendships, the business.

Sleepless nights, tossing and turning: Last
night was one of them. It was totally my fault. I
took a nap, and had a high caffeine choco-brownie
right before I went to bed.
There have been times, where I have gotten
up in the middle of the night, and did some of my
best writing.
I learned so many wisdoms as a child from
Granny. She lived with me from the time I was 11-

  1. Ninety percent of who I am is from Granny
    and my Mom.

Sure there’s times when we have too many
things on our mind. Having calming music on, or the
CALM App is awesome.
Getting plenty of exercise places me in the
sleepy mode easily.
However, I have a Granny trick that has
always worked. First, you have to understand my
Granny’s reasoning and her faith.
Before my Granny’s apartment was built on to
the house, she’d sleep with me. She’d wrap a
rosary around my hand, bless me with holy water,
and say a prayer.
She told me the following story: “Your
mother, at 2 years of age, was in a coma for two
days, due to meningitis.” “There were no antibiotics
in 1918. “Penicillin wasn’t available until 1928.”
“I prayed my rosary for two days, and
promised The Blessed Mother, that if Lil Ruthie
lived, I would spread devotion to her my entire
life.” “That’s why I get teary-eyed every time I
hear the Ave Maria.”
Granny gave me a deep devotion to The
Blessed Mother. My rosary is usually entwined
around my fingers, as I sleep. In college, I kept in

under my pillow. Yep, God kept me from making a
lot of stupid mistakes.
THIS IS THE FUNNY PART: being somewhat OCD,
praying as you try to fall asleep, takes the garbage
of the world, out of your brain. By saying a
repeated prayer, your mind relaxes, and soon you’ll
find yourself in LaLa Land.

TRY IT! YOU’LL LIKE IT! LOL! Any one that was
born after 1969 will never get that joke.

HEAVENLY FATHER: Thank You for calming our
minds from the cares of the world. I can just see
You sleeping in the boat, as the fierce storm
ensued. LOL Yes, You do have a sense of humor.
The apostles were freaking out, as would I. Then
you spoke to the wind, and calmed the storm.
Speak to the storm within our own lives, Lord. Help
us to place you first, and receive your everlasting
love and peace.
In Jesus Name. Amen

Sue Cutler Fearless Faith