"It's never wrong to do the right thing." Nancy Geruntino - Kentucky Derby Day

1 Cor. 6:19-20  Do you not know that your body(and mind) is a temple of the Holy Spirit? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.”

       WOW!  That took guts! To reverse the decision, of who attained the rightful title of the Ky. Derby, was not an easy one to make. However, if you watched the videos closely, you could see that Maximum Security did foul some other participants.  At one point, the jockey was fortunate that hooves didn’t tangle, and produce serious injuries. Now it has been taken to the courts, for a true decision to unfold.

       Without a doubt, Maximum Security was the best horse, hands down.  It was so unfortunate. 

It reminded me of the huge Steve Harvey mistake, as he crowned the wrong woman Miss Universe. “He ate a lot of dirt from that mistake.”

       We all know that our news media is nothing but trash 90% of the time.  The Hollywood elite lies and make up their own stories in order to get their kids into college. In the end, God will hold them accountable.

       Nevertheless, in every day society we have opportunities to convince others of the following: there are still many Christians in the world who care about doing the right thing.

        As a teacher, I would always ask my students, ”What’s the right thing to do?”  Whenever an experience came about to teach that lesson, I jumped on it!

       Last year, as I checked out at Krogers, something occurred that really kicked my conscience into gear.  When I got to the car, I  realized that there was an extra package of pepperoni in the bottom of my cart.  Having been running around all day, I placed it into another bag and drove home.

       Don’t point your finger at Mama Sue. My plan of action was already in place.  The following week, as I checked out at Krogers, I made the following statement to the cashier: Honey, please charge me for two packages of pepperoni. Last week, I found an extra in the bottom of my cart, and I didn’t pay for it.”

       The cashier looked at me and started laughing.  He was in college and working a side job. “Well, Mam! Guess you taught me a big lesson today!”

       My answer: ”It’s never wrong to do the right.”

HEAVENLY FATHER: Open the hearts and minds of the youth in America. Bring Kindness, Love, Patience, and Morality back into their daily lives…… AND INT O THE MEDIA!

In Jesus Name I pray. Amen

Sue Cutler

Fearless Faith