My Little Girl

Pets are a gift from God. What are so amazing are the wisdoms they teach us. Almost three years ago, I brought home, male and female siblings, Chocolate Labs. Sadie is my little Girl, and is definitely a bossy “Lil B.”

       However, the things she has taught me are over the moon.  Since we lost our beloved 14 yr. old Lab Polly/Apollo, a few days before Xmas, she has taken the leadership position. Whereas; her brother Petie was neutered, and tends to be very docile.

       Sadie has taught me some really big, ”No, No’s!”

*It doesn’t pay to fight. It only gets you more upset and into big trouble.

*It doesn’t pay to be anxious. Be calm, think things out, and don’t overreact.

*You don’t have to be a Drama Mama. You lose friends that way.

*You don’t have to be first in line. Be patient.

*Don’t gobble your food. It’s not healthy.

MY LOVEBUG SADIE: What can I say?

*She gives unconditional love.

*She gives lots of kisses and is my Cuddle Bug.

* When I’m down, she is the one to lie next to me on the couch. She senses when I’m upset.

*She always tells me, ”I’m here for you, Mommy.”

* When a vehicle pulls in the drive, she is on ALERT! God help the person that ever tries to come into this house unannounced.

*She brightens my day with her tail wags, wiggles, and love.

*She is my FEMALE COMPANION in this testosterone pit of 4 men.

*She loves on Petie, licking his ears, and playing together.

HEAVENLY FATHER:  How blessed I am, that you brought Sadie into my life. I love that little rascal despite all of her faults. Just like Jesus, His love covers our sins. St Francis in heaven, please take care of My Lil Lacy Pup and Polly…..how I miss them.

In Jesus name I pray. Amen

Sue Cutler

Fearless Faith