Matt 1:23 The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel-which means, ”God with us.”

       I am absolutely enthralled, with the strong women, in the ancestry of Christ. Due to the fact that they said, ”Yes.” The first book of Matthew proclaims the names of these women.

    Tamar, whom I believe to be a 7th great grandmother to Boaz, took a leap of faith. She was betrothed to the two sons of Judah. They would not allow her to conceive, and it was considered a sacred right, that she be able to do so.

       In faith, after the 2 sons had passed, she tricked Judah, her father-in-law, into thinking she was a prostitute, took her right and conceived. Not something that we would look upon as a great act today.  However, back then, it was the law of the land.

       Rehab was a prostitute in the city of Jericho. She protected Joshua and the spies, who were to take down Jericho. In return, she asked for protection. She was told to place scarlet cloth outside her window. She and all whom were within, would be spared.  Rahab became the mother of Boaz.

       Ruth was a Moabitess. She followed her mother-in-law Naomi, back to her homeland. Ruth said to Naomi: ”Wherever you go, I will go. Your people will be my people.”

       When I was in high school, I saw the movie, The Book of Ruth (which means beauty). It really touched my heart, since my mother’s name was also Ruth.

       This young women, made a strong decision to have Boaz become her kinsman redeemer. In their love they conceived Obed, the father of Jesse. He was then the father of David. David the father of  Solomon.

       Then the book of Matthew continued to reveal the ancestors down to Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus.

       Think about this. An angel appears to you and tells you about a virgin birth through the Holy Spirit. “Let it be done unto me, according to your word.  All generations will call me blessed.” Mary said, ”Yes.” Therefore, because of her faith and strength, salvation has come to mankind.

       My sister and I come from a line of very strong women. My Granny was a woman of deep faith. As my mother lay in a coma at 2 years of age, for 2 days due to meningitis, Granny prayed the rosary at her bedside.  Her promise was to spread devotion to Christ and His blessed mother, if Lil Ruthie was healed.

       My mother lived to be 78 years old and had 7 pregnancies; four live births. She and my granny instilled a deep faith within us two girls.

       I had a brush with death at 10 yrs./28 yrs./ yrs. 34. My sister had breast cancer ten years ago. Last year it came back with a vengeance. For all practical purposes, I thought she’d be gone by last May.

       Through medication, faith, strength, and prayer, she is in Ft. Meyers for the winter.  She is living alone, driving, and praising God for His miracle. Only God made that possible.

       We are both Energizer Bunnies.  To quote G.H.W. Bush, we plan to, ”Die young, as old as possible.”

HEAVENLY FATHER: I give a call out to older woman, to mentor young woman in faith and strength. I do this in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen

Sue Cutler

Fearless Faith