First of all, Church is NOT obsolete! Here are 13 reasons why people don’t go…

1.I get nothing out of going to church.

Have you ever tried opening your heart, and asking God to help you find one? Have you ever tried a Nondenominational Church? I dare you to pray about it.

2.Growing up, my church was all about rules and condemnation! No Thanks!

Well Friend, guess what? A relative told me the following last week:  “I’m not going back to church. That priest really pissed me off.  It’s as if he was looking right at me and condemning me.  I know the garbage in my life and I don’t need anyone else to point it out to me.”

         Here was my answer.  “Satan did a great job didn’t he? Anytime you feel condemnation that’s his retched attack. Jesus never condemns.”  If you really wanted to CHANGE your life, and have peace and fulfillment, you’d find a way to make it happen.

3. I’m too busy with the kids and their sports.

Really?  If you belonged to a Good Church Family, all of your friends and activities would mostly be involved with them.  If you really wanted to CHANGE your life, and have peace and fulfillment, you could find the time.

4.That priest /minister really pissed me off!

Oh? That’s happened to me at least a dozen times in my 70 years. Just because a preacher ticks you off, doesn’t mean that you give up your faith. Go to a new church. DON’T GIVE UP! I was at a parish for 29 years.  My husband and I never doubted the fact that it was time to move on.  We have been at our new parish for 16 years, and we love it! If you want to CHANGE your life and have peace and fulfillment, take charge of your life, and make good decisions.

5.They are nothing but cliques.

Yes they are. Make a choice and find a good one.

6.They are nothing but gossips.

Yes they are. Many churches have people involved in storytelling. YOU MAKE THE CHOICE TO AVOID THOSE PEOPLE. That’s life! Get over it!

7.I had my kids baptized. That’s good enough.

I know of a friend’s relative, that this sentence perfectly describes.

They lost a young child to cancer, and have been mad at the church and God ever since. My friends, don’t expect your plants to grow and reach heaven if YOU IGNOR THEM! If you don’t water and fertilize those little plants, Woe Betide You, When a Storm Comes! They’ll crumble, falter and cry out, “Why God? Why?”

8.I take my kids to Sunday School, but I have no time for church….that’s me time.

If you’re not going to take the time to be a great role model, why bother.

9.Yeah? You think church is gonna fill me with warm fuzzies?

Never in a million years will the church fill you with anything.  Open your heart to the One who will fill all of the holes in your heart….JUST AS HE DID MINE…Father/Son/Holy Spirit.  GET YOUR HEAD IN THE WORD OF GOD! You will be amazed how He will recreate your life.

10.I HATE RELIGION! It’s a joke.

ME TOO…JESUS HATED RELIGION!   I’d much rather live with the Holy Spirit giving me wisdom, than live like a Pharisee.

11. All they do is preach money.

Yep!  They often do.  However, God urges us to give our best.

12. Guilt! Condemnation! Why Bother?

Jesus Never Condemns!!!!  That’s Satan’s job only. A verse to my favorite song: “He’s Alive! He’s Alive! He’s Alive and I’m Forgiven and His Arms are open Wide!  That’s how Jesus truly runs the show.

13. Jesus and his big deal were not real….when you’re dead, you’re dead.

REALLY??? If you think that this is all there is….. I FEEL SORRY FOR YOU.

STOP FILLING YOURSELF WITH DRUGS, ALCOHOL, AND ALL OTHER GOODIES….that… help you to numb yourself from this world.



Do you fall somewhere in here? Where and why? Do you have another reason you don’t or won’t go to church? Share below.

Joshua 24:15

Choose for yourself whom you will serve…. BUT AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSEHOLD,WE WILL SERVE THE LORD.

HEAVENLY FATHER: Please touch those hearts that are filled with many holes, loneliness, fear, addictions…. Replace these  with the love and wisdom of the Holy Spirit.

In Jesus name, I Pray.


Sue Cutler/Fearless Faith