Our God is.

For God so loved the world…

Isn’t that awesome?

He gave….


His only begotten son.


Why so much “awesome”? Because that’s the only way to describe it! God giving us something so very precious and special, a child, His son..His ONLY son! And not just a child to come and live and hang out for a while before returning to the father; a child who was going to give up his own life so we might have eternity! That isn’t something to take lightly. We all deserve the type of death and punishment Jesus received; but we receive forgiveness! Eternity with the Father in heaven. Joy and all those cushy words!

So I respond-awesome!

“Our God is an awesome God he reigns over heaven and earth..”

Thank you God for all that you do and promise us!

In Jesus precious name, AMEN

Sandra Sanders boundless trust