LEARN… Gain Wisdom and Character Through Suffering.

Spotlight 4… Live, Love ,Laugh, LEARN, and Leave A Legacy

       NO ONE LIKES TO SUFFER; however throughout my rebirth, God taught me many incredible truths. He ordered my blogging. Next year, my first book will be out.

Psalm 40:1-2  I waited patiently for the Lord. He turned to me and heard my cry.  He lifted me out of the slimy pit; out of the mud and mire.  He set my feet on the rock, and gave me a place to stand firm.

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.


       I knew in the First Grade, that I was smart. There was a voice that told me that I was smart, and that I was a leader.

       Just as my sister, Gail Ph.D. RN Nursing Professor at Wright State Univ. I jumped at every opportunity to learn and go to the next level.  Working hard, getting excellent grades, and achieving was who I was….and would remain my entire life.

       While teaching preschool, after my third child was born, God truly spoke to my heart.  “Get recertified.  You can teach a K-3 in a heartbeat!”

    Without hesitation, my sister had me enrolled at WSU in the Education Dept. I had to re-up my certification from Art Ed. to Elementary Education.

       Within two years, I was rehired as an Elem, Art Teacher for one year. Then went on to teach Kindergarten For 24 years

       Here’s a very humorous tidbit; my sister told me the first year that I taught K., ”You need to begin working on your Masters Degree.” My response:  “With all 3 boys in school, football, and me teaching fulltime, there’s no way I’d have time to do night school.” “God will have to lay it in my lap, if His will is for me to earn another degree.”

       I’m very blessed. Don’t ask me, ”Why?” He usually usually gives me signs that I highly recognize.  I was coming out of The Dutch Kitchen, and ran into some of my colleagues.  “We are so excited!  We hope you want in on this! Wright State is coming to Jonathan Alder H.S., one night a week for 3 years, to offer a Master’s Degree.”

       My response to God: “You think that You’re really funny, don’t You?” “Did have to answer me so soon?”  That was Aug. of 1992. By June of 1995, I walked at WSU and received my M.Ed. I reached the next level.

       My father passed in’97. Therefore, in ’98 I had the finances to take 3 courses to earn a Master’s plus 15 hrs. This would place me at the top of the pay scale.

       That summer, I took 3 courses from The Communicate Institute. For 2 of the courses, I had the same instructor. At the end of the second course, Mrs. Rose approached me.” I am writing a new course for the summer of ’99. I’m looking for instructors, and you fit the bill. Are you interested?”

       Dear Father!  Another God Thing!  I jumped at the chance to become a professional.  I taught for CCI from 99-2004.  God made it very clear when the time had come for me to back off.  WOW! HE PUSHED ME TO A HIGHER LEVEL!

       I had become a God-Seeker, for many years. I thought that I was in tune with Him.  Yeah right!  He had big directions for me yet to fulfill.

       Beginning on ’99, I attended Columbus Vineyard, with my friend Gracie on Sat eves. Then I’d go to mass on Sun with my family.

       In my book, it will be all spelled out.  Very vehemently, 3 times by 3 different people, the Holy Spirit gave me the following scripture.  Habakkuk 2:For I am going to do something in your day, that you would not believe, had you been told. Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets, so that a Herald may run with it.

       THUS I AM BLOGGING….He reveals….I write…. It’s not Sue….It’s Him!  Talk about learning, I open my heart and soul to Him and His revelation overwhelms me.

       This is only the beginning. I’m writing my book and one for a nonprofit organization.  By writing her book…God says, ”See you can write yours, as well.”  I have begun.

HEAVENLY FATHER: Open the eyes of those who doubt. Teach them your Word. Anoint them with the gift of wisdom.

Sue Cutler

Fearless Faith