Each day is a new beginning. When we wake in the morning, God is giving us the opportunity to make choices about things that will affect not only us but also those around us. As I write, I am sitting in a quiet home nursery watching a newborn sleep. He’s a little over 1 week old and just as precious as can be! Who is this? He’s my new job, my new responsibility. More than that, he’s my new joy and enrichment. Each day I am reminded how much God blesses me…
SPOTLIGHT#2 LOVE, LIVE, LAUGH, LEARN, AND LEAVE A LEGACY The two women that made a huge difference in my life were Mama Ruthie and Granny Edith. They taught me the following: Psalm 34: 8 Taste and see the goodness of the Lord. Blessed is he who takes refuge in Him. So many people just go through the motions of everyday life. Many people never truly live. In my youth, I lived on a 15 acre, country abode, north of Montgomery, near…