Removing Monsters In Your Life

James 1:19 Be slow to speak and slow to become angry.


        A few months ago my husband had a knee replacement. However, he was in good enough shape to wobble outside, thank the Good Lord.


        We had just put up the Xmas Tree that Sat p.m., and were enjoying Hallmark Xmas Movies. Suddenly, the pups outside began this HUGE DEEP BARK AND GROWL!  I knew immediately that something was amiss.

        In 46 years, I’ve herded enough cattle to last me a lifetime. Last year, I was cornered by a steer, who still thought that he was a bull.  Thus, every time I hear the dogs freaking out, I realize that something is amiss.

      Sadie, the strong woman had a creature and was shaking the living daylights out of it! Then all of a sudden, it was still.  Yep! It was a possum playing possum.

        I couldn’t get the pups to come in; therefore, dad hobbled outside (1 week past his knee replacement), and with a broom, forced them inside.

        Not having the strength to move it, Papa told me that I was the one to do the job. I went out with a broom and dustpan. However, after realizing that the monster was playing possum, I visualized the following:

*He could be the walking dead.

*If I tried to move him, or pick him up, he could come alive.

*I’m not a fan of razor sharp teeth and confrontation.

* Being the only woman, in a household of 4 men, I was always expected to do manly things.


        In tears I came in and exclaimed, ”If you’re well enough to go outside, you’re well enough to move the *&^%$ thing!!!  I went up to bed, and in my anger yelled, ”I’m done with moving animals on this (bleeping) farm!!!

        Over 46 years, my spouse and I both know to back off, when each of us is angry.  As I came downstairs the next morn, my husband, with his so-called cute sense of humor commented, “It was gone when I went outside last night. It definitely was a possum playing possum.”

        “No way!!!”  “My Guardian Angel came and removed it!”  “I swear that sucker was dead!”

        LOL……As God often does, He turned my adventure into a blog. “How can I write about moving a monster? I asked myself.”

        Well, monsters live within all of us. By the way, one of my monsters crept out, as I screamed at my husband.

        However, one of the hardest things for humans to do is to forgive us, for past monsters in our lives. Let me tell ya friends, Satan is alive and well on planet earth! This is a book by one of my favorite authors, Hal Lindsay. Satan loves to give quick recall to sins of the past that were confessed years ago!

        What’s so funny about God’s sense of humor? Here’s what he comments to me. ”My Precious Daughter, remember, my scripture? ” Your sins have been forgiven, as far as the east is from the west. When Satan brings up that past sin, I have no clue what you are even remembering. I certainly don’t remember it, and neither will you.  All you need to do is say My Name, and Satan flees.


HEAVENLY FATHER:  John 3:16 I praise your holy name for sending your son, and giving us salvation.  Amen.

Sue Cutler

Fearless Faith


  1. Sue Cutler | 6th Feb 19

    Hey Roomie…Pray for you daily! You can only imagine…. Recently there’s been a commercial on about playing possum…OMG!! I was terrified!

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