My wild Kentucky…..

Lunch With My Ft. Thomas, Ky. Cousins

Laughter is the Best Medicine: Granny Laible.

OMG! Did my sister and I ever have a spectacular weekend? Her cancer is in remission. Hopefully, God has blessed her with a few more years. The present theme is Sue drives; sister sleeps. We need to spend as much time together as possible.
I left home on Sat.Sept.22, and took the hour drive to Dayton. I picked up sister and we headed towards Cincinnati. Once we entered the Queen City, Sister exclaimed. ”There she is!” The Big Mack Bridge: named for the Golden Arches of McDonalds.
Once we crossed the bridge, we headed for the Midway Café in Ft. Thomas, Ky. Greeted by cousin David, we eagerly awaited the arrival of the rest of the gang. David/wife Pattie, Norb/wife Clyde: along with them, they brought the son of my mom’s life long friend Don/wife Rose Ann.
Tears flowed as we hugged, reminisced, and filled each other in about our families. As time evolved, 2 out of 10 of my cousin Joan’s (deceased) kids arrived. I have a very close, spiritual connection to 2 of her girls.
I made plans to return to Ann’s one weekend, perhaps in Nov. We also decided that we would be making the lunch date at least twice a year.
Hey Friends, you know how I always write that God has an amazing sense of humor? Well here’s a good one. Pattie emailed me last spring and gave me the following information: Little David, their son, is building a home in Jerome Village, near Dublin Ohio. However, his mailing address is the same as mine, Plain City.
David and I discussed his different traveling routes. As he described driving off of 70W, then going north on 42, I shrieked! “OMG! You drive right past the farm!” Needless to say, God has brought family fun back into my life.
In my youth, we had 15 acres north of Cincinnati in Montgomery. Every weekend from May-Sept., all family members on both sides, were at our country abode.
My husband has 1 brother in Las Vegas, whom we’re lucky to see once a year. So reuniting with my family is a God-thing!
After our family reunion, we headed to Cumberland to her Ky. Lake House. Surrounded by nature’s serenity and a 60 ft. deck over the mountainside, writing was my priority. Man did I ever get a lot accomplished!
We stayed at the lake from Sat. eve, and headed home Tu. morn. Once we reached Alexandria, Ky., we met my 93 yr. old hero for lunch.
Five years ago, I was reunited with Dude. He worked for my dad, and was the main employee for my father’s electrical business. However, to me he was a second father. Love and laughter surrounded me every time he came around.
HEAVENLY FATHER: Thank You for the blessings of family and friends. May we never take them for granted.
Sue Cutler
Fearless Faith