Prayer power

I Journal All Blessings

Matt 14:23 And when He sent the multitudes away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray. Now when evening came, He was alone there.

My best time to pray is when I’m alone in the car. Yes, I am a practicing Catholic. Yes, I attend the Vineyard with my friends. Yes, I am a born again Christian. …..AND……Yes, as my sweet Mama Ruthie instilled in me..MY JESUS HAS NO DENOMINATION!
Many of you know my history. I have a deep devotion to The Blessed Mother. I was present at many of the apparitions at Falmouth, Ky., in the 90’s. Yes, I pray my rosary, as I drive.
My heritage is deep in Marian Devotion, due to my mother’s miraculous healing at age 2. She was in a coma for 2 days, suffering from meningitis. The doctor told my Granny to prepare herself.
At my mother’s bedside for 2 days, Young Edith Laible promised The Blessed Mother the following: If Little Ruthie is healed I will:
Spread devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and to the Blessed Mother.
When blessings and money become available, I will purchase a statue of the Blessed Mother

She did all of those things and more. During my youth she lived with my family from 1963-1980. At bedtime, she would often wrap a rosary around my hand and bless me with Holy Water. To this day, still sleep with a rosary wrapped around my hand.
While in college, I slept with my rosary under my pillow. I swear to you. During my rebellious college years, it was the Blessed Mother’s Protection that kept me from falling into serious trouble, and making poor choices.
I have kept a journal for the past few years. The following are answered prayers:
Election of Pres. Trump. I am in daily prayer to fight the evil of the far left. Does it not surprise you that the conservative, Christian Right is part of the Biblical word righteous?
Many prayers have been answered for my family and friends…, surgery recoveries, one Catholic daughter-in-law(praying for 3), jobs, good crops, beautiful twin grandsons.

Every Sunday at mass, I lay my requests before Him, and praise Him for the wisdom and strength, with which He has blessed me.
As you pray, be specific. Ask Him specifically for your needs to be met. HE WILL BLESS IN SPECIFICS.
I have a few friends that say, “I know God’s answer may be no, and He will give me the strength to withstand whatever comes.”
I agree. However, the following is always my answer.”My God…IS A BIG GOD…WHO ANSWERS BIG PRAYERS. I’m expecting a miracle!”

HEAVENLY FATHER: I come to you in specific prayer. I ask that you protect the health of my friends and family. Protect their going out, and their coming in. Foremost, teach all Americans to pray the following scripture:
2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek my face, and change from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and heal their land.
In the Precious Name of Jesus, I pray. Amen
Sue Cutler
Fearless Faith


  1. Lisa | 17th Sep 18

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful words. I look forward to making this part of my part of my daily routine. What a wonderful start to my day and week!
    ❤️ Sincerely, Grammie Lisa 🙏

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