
America On The Edge
Oh Israel…I will Bless Those who Bless You….I will Curse Those who Curse You!
I believe in the Covenant that God has made with Israel. For those of you who follow me, you already know that I am a conservative Christian.
God Bless Our President!
The above scripture says it all! Due to the fact that our President moved the American Embassy to Jerusalem, watch how Our God fulfills prophecy. Watch in great expectation for America to be blessed.
The day the Embassy was opened, Pastor Jeffers stated the following: American Christians don’t love Trump because he’s holy. They love him because he is God’s tool.
Think of this: Democrats are so far left they are insane.
*They want Socialism…. Free everything. To hell with Capitalism and hard work, say the far left. Middle America is sick and tired of supporting those on Welfare, who refuse to work.
Last year, I did consulting for a small county in Ohio. I had the following conversation with a teacher: “Miss Mary, when you do a writing project with your second graders, and you ask them what they want to be when they grow up; what is their answer?” Mary laughs and answers me. “ One child actually told the fact, that he’s not going to work, just like his dad. He’s going to let the government take care of him.”
So many grandparents are raising grandchildren, because their own kids are on drugs and are jobless.
Sanctuary cities allow illegals, drug lords, and crime safe haven. How did America get this way?
If we had acted towards Obama, the way these idiots are, there would have been major rioting in the nation.
I wish these wimpy leftists could be in the military and see what they provide for them.
If Col. Grampa(WWII) were here right now(hubby’s step-dad), he could tell these crazy people a few things about the greatest generation.
They want ISIS to dissolve and have no borders. If you think that we have fought terrorism in the past, just wait until something like that passes. You won’t have a country.
They want to give everything away free to everyone. I wonder if anyone would do the following: milk cows at 6am and 6pm… 7 days a week…… 12 months a year….for 43 years? My husband did. Plus he did all of the crop farming and still does.
Our 300 acre farm was bought by my husband’s grandfather 100 years ago. He takes a lot of pride in his accomplishments, as he should. I taught school for 37 years. We were both all about creating a legacy for our children and grandchildren. Not sitting on our butts waiting for handouts.
The worst thing JFK ever did was create the Welfare System. The idea of free goodies grew and grew. The low lifes work the system, and they are good at it. Sorry, if I offend you, but it’s the truth.
My father worked at GE in Cincinnati for 30 years. He started as a factory worker and ended his career as a supervisor. He was a man with a great work ethic, and provided well for his family. When the Welfare System began, he made the following comment: When you break down barriers, your going to break down society. Mark my word. Someday you’ll see police in the school system needed for protection.”
Yep, my Dad’s prophecy came true. Look at the mess we are in now.
However, our President is on his way to making America great again.
I tell my friends, consistently the following: ”I will never, never, ever vote for someone who is pro-abortion. That’s murder, and you will answer to God for it.”
HEAVENLY FATHER: I pray that in Nov. all Christians pray to vote the Godly Way.
In Jesus Precious Name, I pray.
Sue Cutler
Fearless Faith

Our sons as football coaches always tell us the following: no one wants to work hard at anything, any more. As parents of football players, we never whined to the coaches, or questioned their authority. We only gave support.