It’s me!

He Wanted Me to Know, ”IT WAS ME!”
Suffering Creates Wisdom, Change,
And Knowledge

Colossians 1:29 Without God ,I can do nothing. To this end I labor, struggling with all His energy, which so powerfully works in me.

2 Corinthians 3:5 Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.

*Everything that I write…..
*Everything that I worked so hard to accomplish……..
Everything that I teach……
Everyone that I mentor……..
* Every year that I struggled to raise 3, strong Christian men along with my husband….……
*Every degree I’ve earned…..
*Everything that I am…..Faith, Home, Family…
Raymond’s dysfunctional daughter struggled horribly in life.
GOD’S DAUGHTER, FEARLESS FAITH….can do anything through Him.

God gives us so many gifts. However, how often do we fail to recognize them? Nothing touches my heart more than when a football player points towards heaven, after he’s made an amazing play. My youngest, All State, Football Son always did this, causing his mother’s tears.
I grew up in awe of Billy Graham. The Holy Spirit led that man to touch millions of lives. At his passing, I commented to my family, ”Can you imagine the glory that man is now experiencing?”
Every time a country singer, or an award winner accepts an award and proclaims; ”But most of all I want to thank my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for without Him I am nothing,” I am toast.
Forty years ago, I had a slow recovery from clinical depression. I proclaimed to everyone that He wasn’t happy with worrisome, non-confident Sue. “He took me apart and recreated me the way He wanted me to be.” Bit by bit, step by step, He released me from my cocoon and created an amazing butterfly. My man always said, ”Honey, He’ll lay the next step in your lap,” and He did.
I got recertified to teach elementary. I earned my Masters in Education, and taught in the public school system for 30 years.
If you told me that in college, I never would have believed you. It took suffering to turn me in the direction, that He wanted me to go.
Taking The Road Less Traveled is not easy. However, it’s the Christian, hard work, ethic path that I chose. Bless his heart, my father did instill the work ethic/education/ hard work values into his children. Mental illness in the 50’s and 60’s wasn’t discussed. We can’t help the genetics that we were born with; however, we can make choices to become the person God intended us to be.
I Did!
Dr. Gail(my sister)did! So can you,if you believe.
When I was fifty, God began to take me on a Spiritual Journey. Each time the Habakkuk 2 scripture was spoken over me, I knew that it was God speaking directly. He boldly said, ”That was ME!”

HEAVENLY FATHER: Please give peace to those who are suffering. Heal them, or take them home to you. Help them know that suffering brings strength. Strength builds character.
In Jesus Name I Pray. Amen.
Sue Cutler
Fearless Faith