Twinkle twinkle little star…..

twinkle, twinkle 

little star

how I wonder 

what you are…

A children’s rhyme that is very popular with girls, boys, young and even older. Today, I was watching a sweet little girl and we were reading a book for bedtime; it was about a person drawing a star. As I read I realized the 5 point star we are taught to draw clearly resembles a person. Also, the star in the sky, could that be Jesus watching out over all of his ‘children’ both young and old? We must remember that Christ is human, at least in part, and he experienced ALL of the same things that we have, are, and will. The bible says there is nothing, nothing, we face that Christ was not also tempted with or by. Hard to imagine, right? There weren’t cell phones and computers, television and movies but he was tempted by many other things of his time.

When you feel weak and broken, cry out to the Father for he hears and restores!

Thank you Lord,  for the tender mercies and the occasional necessary reprimands! AMEN

Sandra Sanders boundless trust