
Think Before You React.
Isaiah 41: 13 For I am The Lord Your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, ”Do not fear, I will help you.”

God taught me many years ago, that I’m a lot stronger than I think I am. Granny and Mom always insisted upon one thing, ”Don’t make mountains outta molehills!” Unfortunately, I had a family member with special needs, and over reaction was a huge problem. I made a positive choice and promise to myself, that I would try my best to avoid drama at all costs.
However, things creep in when you least expect them. One of my Dearest Friends brought something to my attention that I needed to change. That is a true friend, one that wants to bring out the best in you.
She pointed out that I was being very judgmental about certain issues, and certain people. What I hated to admit was that she was %100 correct. To have a friend who loves you that much, is a gift from God.
I thanked her a million times over for pointing out the problem. After realizing what I had been doing, I asked for God’s help and forgiveness.
The Spirit’s realization came upon me and I finally realized, ”Who am I to make judgment on that person. I haven’t been in his shoes!”
My job on this earth is to help, encourage, and love. However, it’s very hard for me to be around puffy, fluffy people who boast and brag about themselves and their prideful issues.
God has a favorite song: Let it Go! Let it Go!
Reacting to their behavior would only make my behavior similar to theirs. Listen to God’s lead, and learn from your mistakes.
HEAVENLY FATHER: In America presently, it is hard not to be judgmental. With Liberals trashing Christianity and Biblical philosophies. However, you have taught us to pray for our enemies, and forgive 70 times 7. Sometimes I want to say, ”Good luck with that, Lord. How’s it going for ya?” It’s soooo hard Lord, to be good to people who oppose you in everything. Teach me to pray,
In Jesus Name I pray.
Sue Cutler
Fearless Faith