Knowing my heart….

I’m Not Perfect, and He Loves Me Anyway.

Psalm 139:1-4 O Lord, You have searched me, and You know me. You know when I sit, and when I rise. You perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue, you know it completely, O Lord.

Lord, You and I have been on such a long journey together. I can remember my 2 older sisters teaching me The Hail Mary in French, when I was 3. Faith was such a huge part of our family life.
I remember when Granny read an article out of the newspaper and she quoted the following: ” A woman says that she saw the face of Christ in a cloud.” Shortly after, I remember kneeling on our old wooden picnic table, looking up into a huge, pink, cloud, praying to see Your face.
I have sought You in so many ways throughout the years. Thank You for teaching me that Your Word is God Alive!
How fortunate I was, to be at many apparitions of your Blessed Mother in Falmouth, Ky. ’95-’98. You have revealed so many truths, and wisdoms, and used me in ways that I would never have dreamt of.
You know how I think, feel, and react even before I do so.
I feel so unworthy because of my sinful nature
…but You love me anyway.
I ask forgiveness for being judgmental,
…..but You forgive me anyway.
I ask You to clean up anything I might say that is not godly,
….but You wash me clean anyway….as a matter of fact…as white as snow.
I ask You to melt away any memory of past sin. Sometimes it’s hard to forgive myself….
….. but You melt it away anyway.
HEAVENLY FATHER: Praise You for making me a new creation in Christ. I n Jesus Precious Name, I pray. Amen!
Sue Cutler
Fearless Faith