
The sunset brings rest before the dawn

Beloved, let us love one another
1 John 4:7

Life is full of many joys, laughter, and humor. But, and there is always one of those, it has pain and sadness with it too. God gives us all things for our good, and while we cannot always understand the pain of the moment, we can usually look back on it later and see why God allowed such hurt and suffering.
Recently, I received a wonderful reconciliation with a family member. I have been overjoyed to see this beloved person again, but I also received word that they had great sadness and pain in their life. Oh, father God, why does this person need to suffer so?!
I wish I could remove the suffering and the pain from the beloved members of my family and friends, but I know with certainty that God has this in his own timing and care.
Father, I am not sure why we often face the things of life, but I am sure that you have us in your loving and protecting hands. Walk these paths with all who read these words, give them encouragement and support for the bends in the road that must be faced and the hurdles we must jump. In Jesus name, amen.
Sandra Sanders, boundless trust