“Lions and tigers and bears! OH MY!”

Romans 8:6 The Mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by The Spirit, is life and peace.

LOL! Every time I watch the Wizard of OZ, I have to laugh. I adore the Cowardly Lion. During my youth, more often than not, that was my mindset.
Unfortunately, I had inherited some of the genetics of my father. However, it wasn’t until I was an adult, after the birth of my second son that post partum depression took over my life.
I’m not a bit ashamed to admit it. I’m strong, courageous, and an overcomer. Along with meds, God gave me the wisdom to overcome, and to help others.
Take note: You can take all the meds you want, but if you don’t train your brain towards the positive, you will never rise above.
My sister and I have a mission statement that reflects our lives: Life begins when you make choices. We made great ones. We rose above our raising!
The greatest choice that I ever made was to open The Book…God’s Word. Being raised Catholic in the 50-60’s era before Vatican II, we were never taught to read the Bible. Catholicism made a 360 through the inspiration of Pope John the 23rd.
As I read the scripture, ”Be Ye transformed by the renewing of your mind” I was blown away. There was Jesus alive, ready to teach me on a personal level.
It took a few years to take off on my new adventure. That was 40 years ago. I’ve been in training a long time. Every time I’m still before Him and listen, He gives me new secrets.
I cannot tell you the numbers of people God has sent my direction. He says to me, ”Here comes another one, Little Faith. I send them to you.”
Forty years ago, I had a Guardian Angel that God sent to me, to help me heal. Johnny O’Donnell was a WWII survivor. He was blown up while running a backhoe on Guadalcanal. Despite all of his physical injuries that healed, his PTSD was over the top.
God sent him to me. “Susie, 10 years from now, God is going to be sending people to you. You’ll pay it forward what I’ve taught you,” he said.
If you would have told me 40 years ago, I’d be doing this, I would never have believed it. Computers were just coming to fruition back then.
If you have a gift to heal others, God will reveal it to you boldly, as He has done to me.
HEAVENLY FATHER:Send Guardian Angels to those who suffer from depression. Reveal to them that You are the Healer, and that through Your Holy Word, their minds can be transformed to the positive.