SPOTLIGHT 3: Why Sue Blogs


The Weigh Down Group decided to attend The Women of Faith Convention in Cincinnati. I was honored, due to the fact that the first convention I attended was in my hometown.

I took a Friday off and we headed to the Queen City. We attended a smaller pre-conference the day before the convention. The speaker was Becky Terribassi. The format of her presentation revolved around her book entitled, ”Change Your Life.” The premise of the book was how to change your mind/life by reading The Word an hour per day.

As the day progressed, in my spirit I kept hearing, ”That’s you down there. This is your future. Step out Little One!” At first I shook it off. Then it happened over and over again!. I looked at Gracie,” “This is crazy!” The Spirit won’t leave me alone!” “What’s He saying?” she asked. “Tell you tonight, Girlfriend! This is nuts! Who Me?”

At the end of the Friday conference, we went to dinner at a small pizza place near Fountain

Square. We ordered, prayed, and I figured that we would have pleasant conversation, until our meal was served. WRONG! LOL!

Bev, a woman whom I have never seen again, since that weekend, began the following conversation. “God has been speaking to someone, in our group, very profoundly today. He wants you to step forward.”

Gracie elbowed me as I acquiesced, and began to speak. “I believe it’s me!” “What is He saying to you, Sue?” she inquired. “Well I believe that someway, somehow, I’m to share my story to help others.”

Bev contemplated quietly, then she spoke. “God wants you to know that, yes this is going to happen.” “He says that He’s going to knock your socks off.” Her following statement totally blew my mind. I knew that it was directly from The Holy Spirit. The only person in the entire group, that knew that I was a worrisome child, was my Linda Grace. Bev spoke her 3rd blessing. “God wants you to know that you don’t have to worry about it! He will make it happen!!

To say that I was in tears, didn’t even come close. I was on a spiritual high! When we got back

to the hotel, Gracie and I were both in awe! “Why would He choose me for something like this?” Her answer, “That’s why we call Him God!”

Sue Cutler

Fearless Faith