God anywhere and everywhere

Beloved, let us love one another

1 John 4:7


Today I witnessed something, that by it’s very simplicity, took my breath away and made me pause. As I was walking through the grocery store I noticed two women standing facing each other, I believed them to be talking. As I got closer however I realized they were holding hands, their heads were bowed and they were praying. Right there in front of the butter and cheese! Right there in the middle of an isle-in the open. In front of everyone! They weren’t  being secretive and it didnt appear either of them were embarrassed about the idea of praying in public.

How awesome is that?! To know that you can reach out to the almighty anywhere! You don’t have to be in a church, in a special place in your home, or wearing or doing anything particular! You can simply stand and pray and God heard!

Our God is an Awesome God!

Heavenly father,  thank you for listening to our prayers. I realize they cannot always be answered as we would desire, You Father, are a much better judge for what we need

In Jesus name, amen.

I’m Christ name, now and forever.

Sandra Sanders,  boundless faith