
Blessed are those whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the one whose sin the Lord will never count against them.

Romans 4:7-8

JOY-emotion evoked by well-being, success or good fortune; gladness or delight

What does Joy look like in your life? Do you define it as a happy and giddy feeling? Is it the ‘warm fuzzies’ you feel on your arms when something pleasant happens? King David had so much sin, but he called it joy when God forgave him of those sins. We need only acknowledge our guilt, admit our sins, and ask forgiveness. Once we have done these things, and mean them, we receive forgiveness. Now, does that mean we have constant joy? No, but we do have constant assurance of eternity and that is due to the blood of Jesus being shed on the cross to cover and wash away our sins. Did you catch that last part? Not just covering the sin, but washing it away!!! God doesn’t even remember our sins! They are gone once and for all!! What a wonderful and awesome God we have!

I pray you find joy in your everyday life; that it follows you each moment and that you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that your sin is forgotten!

Father  in Heaven, as friends find this page, let them be blessed and inspired to find joy! Let them have joy in the everyday things of life and in the outrageous moments You give. I pray for all of those who read these words. I ask that You give blessings upon blessings. In Jesus name; Amen

In God, now and always;
Sandra Sanders….Boundless Trust