My father didn’t eat to live……HE LIVED TO EAT! He became diabetic at age 58 at a weight of 300 lbs. Unfortunately, compulsive eating was passed on to me. As the thinnest of 3 girls, I could consume anything and not put on a pound ……until… I gave birth….and turned 40. I’ve let it go since all of my blood work has been good/fair for years. However, at 68 …I need to get serious about getting healthy. I NEED TO LOSE 50 LBS! The reason I’m putting it out there : I need to be…
WEEK 5 Father, the arrogance of some people make me absolutely detest them. Those with few morals, and the evil media, make my Christian Spirit want to fight against them forcefully. My Dear Friend Gracie coined the following phrase: “Puff Fluffs…. Those who are vogue on the outside, and vague on the inside.” I run from them Lord, and refuse to surround myself with such fake personalities. They look down their noses at others, and try to make them feel so much less. However, I am so much more in your eyes. I am dressed in purple because I am…