
       My Maternal Granny moved into our home in 1963, when I was 14. As they were building an addition onto the house, 2 solid oak desks were constructed. I was fortunate enough to acquire one of them.

       It’s located in my son’s upstairs bedroom. During his youth he filled it with all of his football and super hero paraphernalia.

       To me, it’s much more than a desk. It’s a place for creativity. Recently it has had an amazing rebirth.

     THE DESK…….Every eve for 5 years I, sat at the desk, lit a candle, studied, did homework, read,  created and listened to my transistor radio.  OK folks we’re talking 63-68.The office was a safe haven, and a perfect place for me to grow and explore.

       Recently, I began to refresh my upstairs after 30 years of boys..lolo… if those walls could talk! The painting in 2 bedrooms was almost complete. As I began to plan for carpeting/ furniture , I had a neat God-Thing occur.

        My downstairs office is used for my PAX/School organization, plus my art work. I needed a perfect place to spread out ….AND SPEND TIME WITH HIM.

        The DESK… spoke to me…”I’m here! Before when you sat with me, you were an erstwhile acorn, freshly fallen from a tree. Through 54 years of growth, pain, joy, and becoming, you BECAME a Mighty Burr Oak….. not through any of your planning….ONLY HIS.”

       “As HE HAS ORDERED YOU……Now is the time to be obedient and write down all of His revelations. You have your many Bibles now and devotionals. Back then, you only heard scripture at mass. You never opened a Bible …until He loved you enough to take you apart…and put you back together the way He wanted you to be.  Then He taught you a powerful scripture…I sought the Lord and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.”

       “As you read, write, and create every morning, you now face God’s gift to you…. THE MIGHTY BURR OAK… the symbol of your becoming.


 As you spend time with me and view your  tree(symbol of The Tree of Life) you’ll have a view of amazing sunrises  coloring the azure horizon.”

 I’ll be able to see orange, yellow, and bright reds consume my Burr Oak and the surrounding trees. The corn is now dry, crisp, and ready for harvesting. To see the big green combine with its blades peacefully churning through the bean fields, is truly a work of art.

       As winter comes with the blues, whites, purples, and silvers reflecting off the glistening ice and snow, my tree stands strong as a symbol of becoming.

Spring comes into view with the promise of resurrection. I watch the brown fields being planted and young plants emerging from the freshly nurtured soil. My redbud sings its purple song as bursts of color engorge the tree.

       Opening my window to smell the fresh warmth of summer and the scent of newly mowed grass enlightens my senses,

        So my friends, I will be writing, creating, and listening TO HIM. Your best creativity occurs when you find a quiet place.

       Downstairs my men are in and out. The news/   sports rules the downstairs TV. Our 3 Chocolate Lab Puppies rule the roost. Therefore, my need for quiet creation has finally been fulfilled. AND….I intend to make the most of it!


“When you know that God has given you a gift,  jump at the chance…don’t be afraid to create.”


“When you create, you open the world of art to those that are not brave enough to do so.”

Sue Cutler