Angels are among us……everywhere……and when we least expect them. My Tech Wizard, Jenn had an angel experience, not too long ago. Before I begin her little, miracle story, I need to give you some background. Four years ago, she gave birth to twin girls. I’ll identify them as Jan and Jill. Unfortunately, they were premature, and spent a great deal of time in the ICU. Jan was small, but came home with few problems. However, Jill had a great deal to overcome. She was sent home with trachea/feeding tubes. The feeding tube was removed, causing her…
Introduction: Every home has its problems. Being raised with an absent father in the 50’s -60’s era, had a negative effect on each family member. I was also dealing with the Nuns of Catholicism, which was a religion of rules. Before Vatican II, it was all about what the priests and nuns commanded. When comedians joked about Catholic Guilt, they weren’t kidding. It was very real to all of us little ones. So, you place the Catholic guilt together with fear of “Father,” and you get an overwhelmed, fearful child! However, from my father came many good…