
        Two years ago, at the invitation of a friend, I joined a Bible Study at a local church. I had been welcomed in by a wonderful group of women from a different denomination. In case you haven’t figured it out, as of yet, my Jesus has no denomination!

       Last year, in our first week of study, one of the women brought up the topic of “Praying in the Spirit.”  She was unfamiliar with the topic so many of us chimed in, on the explanation.

     God brought to mind my dear friend, Jean.  We had taught preschool together years ago. She touched my heart in a spiritual way. Unfortunately, when I went back to teach in the public school system for 24 years, we lost touch.

     We gathered in prayer before we left, and as usual, my spirit was flying high. During prayer, I had mentioned to God that it would be awesome to connect with Jean, once again.

       I got in the car and headed toward Meijer for groceries. While driving, I reiterated my request. ”Lord, somehow, someway, please allow me to reconnect with Jean.”

  Within a half of an hour I was going up and down the grocery aisle, totally consumed with the task before me. Turning a corner, I was between the Sea of Cocoa Puffs and Captain Crunch. I heard a delicate voice behind me. ”Susie! Oh My Susie!”

    If you know how God works, more times than not, this should not surprise you! I screamed!

“JEAN! OMG JEAN!”  Creating a small disturbance, in tears we hugged.” Here was my response:


             After I explained what preceded our reunion, she was in awe as well.

       We have reconnected in an amazing way! There is now a monthly dinner/reunion of my Little School in the Prairie Sisters.

       This has happened to me once before.  It’s as if God is laughing at me, and my response is, ”Did you have to answer me so soon?”

       How often do we wait, and wait, and wait for direction? That’s where I am with my blogging.

He has given me these quick responses to assure me that He’s listening, and that He is in charge.

     Don’t be surprised if God answers you within an hour, or if it takes years.  His calendar is not the same as ours.

Fearless Faith