Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry alone.

       The above quote was reiterated to me a zillion times, whenever I displayed despair. Granny heard it from my great-grandparents and passed it on. It wasn’t a soothing quote. If fact, it tended to tick me off more times than not. I was young. No one was going to tell me what to do.

    One day, and God spoke to my heart quite clearly. After all of the mountains that He helped me climb, and all of the storms that He pulled me through, I had been given incredible spiritual strength.  “I can do all things through Christ who gives me the strength.”

    This scripture speaks volumes to me. He has assured me of the following: “Little Fearless Faith, I will neither leave you, nor forsake you.”

      Catholicism in the 50’s and 60’s, was not a happy venue for me.  It wasn’t until I was about 45, that I realized the following:

Romans 8:1 I was never condemned.

Romans8: 14 I am a daughter of a King! YAHOO!

Romans 5:1 I am justified by faith.

Romans 12 all of it…my mind can be transformed by reading His Word and digesting it.


       An entire new venue of faith and understanding took over my spirit and soul.

To comprehend the following mystery was more than my physical brain could begin to understand: Eph.1: 14 I was chosen before the foundation of the earth.

        Ponder the situations in your life; you realized that He was carrying you through all of them. He could have taken my life 3 times within my 67 years (10/28/34). I guess that He wasn’t done with me, and had more for me to fulfill.

      Eph 1:13…Realizing that I was sealed by The Holy Spirit of Promise, I came to the following conclusion: All the tears that I shed were collected by His angels. He dried them up, and they were precious to Him.

 Therefore, God has changed Granny’s quote. It now reads, ”Laugh and the world laughs with you.

Cry, and He’ll dry your tears.


May God your mind release, and endow you with everlasting peace.

