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Daily Archives: June 21, 2017


        Two years ago, at the invitation of a friend, I joined a Bible Study at a local church. I had been welcomed in by a wonderful group of women from a different denomination. In case you haven’t figured it out, as of yet, my Jesus has no denomination!        Last year, in our first week of study, one of the women brought up the topic of “Praying in the Spirit.”  She was unfamiliar with the topic so many of us chimed in, on the explanation.      God brought to mind my dear friend, Jean.  We had taught preschool together years ago…


       The above quote was reiterated to me a zillion times, whenever I displayed despair. Granny heard it from my great-grandparents and passed it on. It wasn’t a soothing quote. If fact, it tended to tick me off more times than not. I was young. No one was going to tell me what to do.     One day, and God spoke to my heart quite clearly. After all of the mountains that He helped me climb, and all of the storms that He pulled me through, I had been given incredible spiritual strength.  “I can do all things through Christ…