Forty Years to Remodel


In April of ’72, I made the first visit to the homestead, built in 1890. It was the homestead of my mother-in-law and her sister. When we visualized the inside of the house after the renters moved out, it was a disaster. When Grandpa Cutler said, “Set a match to it,” it went unnoticed, since he had no say.

Mother-in-law did build a downstairs bathroom, and did some wallpapering over the old horsehair plaster and lathe…YUK!!. My parents put in carpeting and gave us furniture. We lived in the downstairs for 6 yrs.

After realizing that the house had no insulation, I had to stay at the in-laws during sub zero weather, along with our first born at 2 mos. old. Trust me when I say, insulation was blown in the downstairs asap.

For 3 years, we could have had stock in a bucket company, as hindered the leaky roof destruction.

From 76-78, Col Grandpa and Tom gutted/ remodeled the upstairs. My dad put in the electricity. Plumbing was the only extra that we needed. New windows were added throughout the next 20 years as funds allowed.

On April 1, ’78, we moved into the upstairs. God had a reason for making me so patient. There were many times I needed a little cheese with my wine. Any modern young chick would have walked the first year.

On our 10th anniversary, Aug 4, ’82, my husband gutted out the kitchen. Again, he and Col Grandpa did 90% of the remodeling. Sweet Old Abe Miller, the original owner of Miller Cabinet’s put in my cabinets/appliances. There’s nothing like Amish cabinets. They last for generations with a bit of touchup. I was in heaven.

In ’86, the front parlor was gutted and remodeled into an office. In ’88, the front room was gutted and made into a dining room. We bought a dining room table in’91.

Summer of ’93, my huge ,country, side porch was added. Throughout all those years, we were raising 3 sons, paying off the farm, buying machinery, and preparing for college payments.

After our last son graduated from BG in ’08. With 2 sons earning partial football scholarships, all college debt was paid off by 2012.


The Headings Bros. were in charge…what a fabulous job! To quote their dad, Bob, “Good Lord, Sue! It looks like a mansion!” I cackled,” Shoulda been here 40 years ago!”

Over the years, My husband milked cows for 43 years…he has his degree in Ag/Business. I taught preschool for 7 years. In 2014, I retired from the public schools system with 30 years accumulated.

We never had vacations, due to the fact the dairy ran our lives. In ’96 we did take a 5 day vaca to California, to watch our eldest play in a National Football tournament.

I always made sure that the boys had their social time, lots of friends, summers at my sister’s lake house, and football.

Our boys made education and football their lives ;however, their farm work ethic is what brought each of them to their profession.


We worked hard.

We played hard.

We prayed hard.






  1. Ruth | 8th May 17

    Love you Ma Cutler!!! So happy for you guys!! What an inspiration you are!! 😙

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