Sometimes when you turn the page, God gives you an eye opener.

Granny and Mom were never judgmental. Dad…somewhat, but all three of them taught me to make good choices.

Growing up, I was a pretty good judge of character. I recognized very easily those with whom I didn’t wish to associate.

I graduated from college in’72. It was the Hippie Era, when drugs and pot became ignited within our society. Thank God, it was never my cup of Tea. Twelve years of nuns did give me a good mindset, as far as drugs and morality were concerned.

I dated a lot of zeros. I learned what I was truly looking for, due to all of the poor choices that I made previously. Remember, we learn by our mistakes.

There was this one guy in my English class, my Junior Year. My roommate had a lot of Ag Classes with him, and told me whom he was dating. She was a blonde bimbo! So I quickly judged him a loser, and dismissed any thought of him.

One evening he and his lady were in the hallway of my dorm. She had come to see a friend. My door was open ,so he stopped to talk to me. Oh! He was cute, friendly, a bit overweight, and to my amazement, was a Catholic. He rose in my opinion.

A few days later we were at the mailboxes, and I overheard him talking about his cousin. ”Whose your cousin?” I asked with a startle. “Mr. X,” he answered surprisingly!

“ OMG!! I feel sorry for you!” Mr. X was one of the biggest womanizers on campus! “What a jerk!”

Again, I went my merry way and thought, “If he’s related to that imbecile, I want no part of him.”

Always after dinner, I hung out with a bunch of good guys at the cafeteria lounge. A lot of them were Ag Students. Therefore, Mr. English Class/Ag Student started hanging out there, as well. I started to get to know him and realized, he’s nothing like his cousin. He was a shy and bashful country boy. I found that rather attractive.

At homecoming, he schemed with my room- mate to get us together. However, that failed, since I went home for the weekend with the creep I was dating at the time.

In Jan. and Feb. I was dating his best friend, who by the way dumped me. It was the best thing that ever happened to me.

On Feb 28,71, Mr. Ag Student stepped right in. We started hanging out. I decided that I really liked this shy, bashful, soft-hearted, Christian country boy.

A month later, March the 28 ’71, my sister passed due to childbirth complications. He was there. To say that he comforted me and loved me through that entire ordeal, is stating it lightly.

You guessed it! I married that Ag Student. After 45 years of building a farm, raising 3 sons, and teaching for 37 years, marrying Mr. Moo Cow was the best decision that I ever made.

So do your best not to be judgmental about someone, until you peel a few layers back to reveal their true character. Sometimes a story becomes much brighter when you turn the page.

May God teach you not to judge.

May he teach you not to budge, and decide too quickly against someone’s character. He might wind up being your husband.

