Outside of Columbus, in the small town of West Jefferson on Rt. 40, is a small diner known as HENRY’S.  It’s a little hole in the wall, soon to be remodeled. Before the freeway systems were built, Rt. 40 was a major highway from Springfield to Columbus. Back then, Henry’s was a gas station, restaurant.

       The eatery has recently been passed from father to son. Big plans are in the process for a complete overall. However, to look at it now, one would exclaim, ”What a Dive!”

   Not only the food/famous pies, but also the gentleness of spirit, of the proprietors, makes Henry’s an experience worthwhile.

       In January, my Man and I stopped for a quick lunch. The cute ,little waitress informed us that it was her first day, and begged our patience. I answered,’’ Not to worry, Hun!  We are easy folk. I taught K for 30 years. Relax and enjoy your day.” 

    Our meal was served, and we were really enjoying our experience….UNTIL !

     Behind us sat a very short, barrel-chested  man, accompanied by 2 handicapped adults.  With his short stature and loud mouth, he exuded the Napoleon Syndrome.

    One of his guests had ordered the same dish, as did I. He noticed that he didn’t get side dishes along with his meal, and began to raise a raucous.

The waitress begged his forgiveness, ”I’m so sorry. It’s my first day. I’m nervous and I forgot to ask!”

       Needless to say, Napoleon badgered the poor thing until she was in tears.   He was obviously trying to get a free meal. She went to get the manager.

  The gentle, spirited owner begged the customer’s patience, and gave him many resolutions.  However, the badgering continued. My husband stood up to walk to the restroom, and gave the man “The Evil Eye.” Thank God he held his tongue.

  In her kindness and gentleness of spirit, the owner proceeded with the following statement:

“Sir, we apologize for any inconvenience. We are working really hard to revive our place of business, and would like for you to come back again. Most of our clientele is very respectful ,as they do business with us. Please come for a return visit. Perhaps you’ll find us better organized.  The choice is yours.

    I was so proud of her gentle spirit.  Napoleon was the hind end of a mule! I probably wouldn’t have shown that much patience.

   With her kindness and gentleness, she won the battle.  He was the fool. Everyone else in the restaurant saw his immaturity and literally applauded as she walked from the table.

    Every time I go to a grocery/restaurant/ checkout, I make a  concerned effort to treat the person that waits on me  with respect.

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

