Jeremiah 29:11  For I know the plans I have for you. Plans not to harm you, but for a hope and a future.

This morning I was watching one of my favorite programs, Life Today with hosts James and Betty Robinson. The guest for the day was Squire Rushnell, the author of God Winks.

WOW! I’ve REALIZED many in my lifetime. I capitalized the word realized for a reason.  We all get God Winks.  Many of us REALIZE that they occur through a Divine Alignment (Rushnell’s new Book). Others do not.

For those tapped into “The Source,”(The Holy Spirit), Divine Appointments are often given. There’s no doubt that these occurrences are truly from God.

At 66 yrs. old, I’m now a Granny. I’ve had some profound God Winks in my life. That’s why I now blog.  I’ve been ordered to share my faith and wisdom. Someday, I will share my story.  Like Moses-“Who Me?  You want me to do what, Lord? I know that you freed me from my cocoon.  Who would ever want to hear what I have to say?”

Sometimes, self- talk can be extremely defeating. However, I came to the realization that when I blog, it’s not My words-It’s words that He places in me.

It Came Upon a Midnight Clear!  LOLO!  He often awakens me in the middle of the night to reveal something that He desires me to work on. Two days ago was one of those occasions.

This is what the Spirit spoke to me at midnight. “IT IS TIME!”  LOLO! “Time for what,” I asked as I rolled back over to snooze.

“You know. It’s time to write down all   the revelations and wisdoms. I will not leave you nor forsake you.  I will be your biggest cheerleader!” Tell Cathy and Rebecca your story(Bible Study Leaders). They will help to keep you on track and encourage you.

This morning when I turned on the tube and listened to the author of God Winks, it was another huge kick in the pants to get busy.

“Yes you are going to do the blog…..remember, I promised to knock your socks off some 15 yrs. ago.  Remember what Norman Vincent Peale taught you-The Power of Positive Thinking-Prayerize, Picturize, Actualize.”

So, here I am blogging,


I want to tell you about the first God Wink that I had at 16.  I realized that it was only God who rescued me.

It was May of 1968.  I was about to graduate from high school. After school, I always had to literally run down the street to catch the 3:30 city transit bus, that would drop me off in my hometown.  Then I was    picked up by my sister, and transported to our country home in the boondocks.

For some odd reason, I failed to look at the marquis on the transit that announced its destination.  Unfortunately, I was dropped off at the wrong stop.  That was the era long before cell phones.  I knew that my mother was not home.   How would I contact my sister?

I began walking toward the freeway ramp. I was 18, alone, scared, and called out prayerfully.  I remember that the sky was crystal blue with a few wisps of clouds. Tearfully, I cried out, “God, please help me!”

My cousin, who was 8yrs. old at the time, still remembers this instance vividly. Her family lived right next store to us. So what occurred was much more than a coincidence.  It was a divinely planned rescue.

More often than not, her mom usually drove home another direction. However, for some odd reason, 8yr. old Diana insisted that mom take the freeway.

Not hard to figure out. As they drove up the ramp, I flagged them down. “See Mommy!  I told you we needed to take the freeway!  Cousin Sissy needed us!” My Guardian Angel must have been talking in my ear!” she exclaimed.

Another instance that occurred in 1992, was an example of God’s timing and sense of humor.  I had just been rehired in our local school district, after a 13 yr. hiatus of motherhood. My Nursing Professor Sister was insisting that I begin working on my Masters Degree. “You need to start working on it now, while you are still in the learning mode,” she proclaimed.

Since I had been recently recertified, it seemed the most logical thing to do. However, my youngest son was in 2nd grade, and I was teaching full-time.  It was an hour drive to Wright State University. Also, I had many other parent responsibilities with homework, football practice, for my 2 older sons, and household duties.

“If God expects me to start on my Masters Degree right now, He’s going to have to put it in my lap,” I answered sarcastically. To me, that possibility was null and void.

OH THAT GOD WHATA KIDDER!  Two days after the conversation with my sister, I ran into two of my colleagues. “Hey Girlfriend!  We’ve got some hot news!  If we can get enough students to commit, Wright State will come to Jonathan Alder HS once a week ,for a 3 years  Masters Degree Program.  Are you interested?”

Let me tell you friends, I was dumbfounded!  I literally heard God laughing at me.  “Did you have to answer me so soon?” I enquired.

Sometimes He answers when you least expect it. Sometimes His answer is, ”Wait upon Me.”

Despite the negative road that I could have tread, I turned the corner and God led me in the right direction.  I graduated with a Masters Degree in Education from Wright State University in June of 1995. I retired from Jonathan Alder Schools in 2014 as a 30yr. veteran.



Our youngest son graduated from Bowling Green in 2008.  He earned a scholarship to play Division I football.  He lived at home for a year and a half, helping coach in a nearby district. He eventually went to Toledo for 6 months as a GA Strength and Conditioning Coach.

Finally, he was hired in the district that he had coached in previously.  The Super believed in him so much, that he encouraged him to someday be an administrator in that district. By some oddity(I call it Divine Intervention ) the school levy failed for the first time in years, and his job was cut.

He was hired in his brother’s district for a year and a half…same scenario…. Levy fails first time in 2 decades.  His job is cut.

He goes to third district where his best friend is a principal, worked there a yr.

Finally, the head football-coaching job was opened in our home district, where his accolades were well known. However, there was no teaching position opened for him. There had just been a huge turn over in administration, and our district was undergoing major changes.  They gave the job to someone already in the district.

Although we were trusting God’s plan, it was so difficult to wait.

A month later, my husband’s home district, 10 miles south had both positions opened. Again, being in the same county, many knew of his accolades.

Tossing and turning the night before his interview, I was awakened and praying. Almost returning to a sound sleep, I was jolted awake as I heard very clearly,  “Be still and know that I am God.”  Our son got the head coaching position.

This is a district that needs to be rebuilt. Knowing my son’s deep faith, morals, and belief that hard work creates heroes, it’s no wonder God planned for him to be there.


This past Oct., again a Divine Appointment occurred. I was invited to a Bible Study at my friend’s Vineyard Church. I had just seen the movie, The War Room. The Womens’  Bible Study was going to be using the correlating study by Pricilla Shier.

We all know how the evil one creates roadblocks.  I was dealing with a great deal of apprehension. “Why would anyone listen to what you have to say?  You are not tech savy! I wouldn’t get involved with this!”

Well God usually wins in the long run, My Midnight Clear came boldly. I have been blogging since Jan 9,2017. Once you read my entire story, you’ll realize that it’s HIM who has ordered me to blog.

If you are in tune with The Holy Spirit, you will realize that these are not just  coincidences……they are Divine Appointments.


So my friends, He’s watching, listening, and always has your back. Trust that His timing is always perfect…..AND REMEMBER…….sometimes His revelations awaken you upon a midnight clear.


Love and Prayers,
