Have you ever had one of those days where you hear a statement in the morning? Then you hear the same statement from another source the same day?

  Yep!  That’s God using your OCD to help you get it! LOL!  He does this to me all the time.

  Yesterday morn I was at my Women’s Bible Study Group. I am not a member of this Vineyard Church.  I was invited by a friend, and welcomed with open arms. I am so honored to be with such strong, Godly Women.

   Last year we did a Pricilla Shier Study that related to the movie, The War Room. The study was entitled The Armor of God. It was based on Ephesians 6:14-17.

   Presently, we are doing another one of her studies entitled Fervent.   This study is about learning powerful prayer strategies to fight the enemy…. And…trust me folks, he is real.

  One of my favorite books by Joyce Meyer is Battlefield of the Mind.  Becoming a courageous winner over depression, scripture and transforming my mind were essential.  In fact, God sends me many people along the path of depression survival, as an encourager.

  Every Morning, before my feet hit the floor, I say my morning devotions. I usually say my rosary along with the prompt on TV. If my mind is in the A/O (Alpha/Omega) Zone, I go to my corner.

  The picture is  my WAR ROOM. It is my boxing corner, where I put on my shield of armor, and helmet of salvation. It’s special time with just God and me.

   There is a scripture  (not sure which one) that says:  “Come to me and I will reveal to you wondrous things you do not know.” When you’re quiet, and listen, you will be totally amazed at the revelations the Holy Spirit will give you.

  As you know, Granny and Mom were my spiritual role models. Growing up, I said to myself, ”I wanna be that kind of woman.” Granny was a rock. No matter what issue trouble or tragedy arose in the family, her faith carried her through.

Both of them exuded he Fruits of the Spirit:

   I wanna be the kind of woman that displays :

Love….. I say it all the time…to my family, to my friends, to my students. However, love takes a lot of sacrifice.  Anyone who is a productive parent, understands real love. Compassion and empathy  for others is evident in your thoughts and actions.

   I wanna be the kind of woman that displays :Joy…… A true relationship with Christ, will bring joy to overflowing.

One of the biggest things that God revealed to me was that one has to CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY. My dad suffered from a mental illness. Negativism could have reigned. However, Granny and Mom didn’t allow it, Praise God.

Granny also said, ”Laughter is the best medicine.” How right she was. I choose to surround myself with those who uplift my spirit. You’ve heard me say this, ”When I spend time with my Girlfriends, we often border on the edge of the ridiculous!”

When I taught K , it was a personal goal to make those kids laugh, learn, and love to be at school.

    I wanna be the kind of woman that displays: Peace…… With the Peace of Christ, you’ll be able to go through anything and survive. There’s 3 times I could have been at death’s door. However, He had plans for me. My eldest sister has always been one of my positive role models. As I  watched her strength, as she rebuilt her life as a widow, was truly the work of the Holy Spirit.

   I wanna be the kind of woman that displays: Patience….. Wow did God ever do a work in me! Living with Mr. Moo Cow, building the farm,  remodeling a 100 yr. old farmhouse, raising kids, teaching for 30 yrs., these have all grown patience within me. Life experience is a real educator of patience.  Granny always said. ”What doesn’t kill you will make you stronger.”

    I wanna be the kind of woman that displays: Kindness……. The general care and concern for others are so important. Kindness not only to your family and friends, but also in the work place is of dire importance. My school Secretary Linda, is one of the kindest people I’ve ever known. If I need help in the middle of the night, I have friends that will be there for me.

   One thing I make sure of, is to be kind to those who wait upon me…. the store, phone, or anyone who gives me a service.

    I wanna be the kind of woman that displays:

Generosity…… Being generous means giving in every way shape and form. Not only money, but also the sacrifice of giving time and doing good for others.

   I wanna be the kind of woman that displays:

Self-Control…. That, for me, has been a difficult one.  BUT GOD! My father lived on an emotional roller coaster. Granny and Mom gave emotional substance. Self-control in all situations is a life-long, learning experience.  Once you have the Peace of Christ, self-control becomes a small issue.

     I wanna be the kind of woman that displays:

Faithfulness…… I wouldn’t be blogging unless He directed me to do so. One without faith, has no hope for one’s future. My man and I are in a program at Church entitled. Alpha. It is a nondenominational program. Nicky Gumble, an Anglican Priest and former atheist, presents his story of conversion and salvation through Christ.


FIRST AND FOREMOST……..I WANNA BE THE KIND OF WOMAN THAT…….. when my feet hit the floor in the morning, the devil says, ”OH(BLEEP!) SHE’S UP!”

  Choose to live with the Fruits of the Spirit!

Love ,
