Alix Louise……Oh How You Please..

Alix Louise Wells(Good)….What can I say? You will always be my favorite teacher and adopted daughter.

As a 30-year educator, you can always pick out the student teachers, which will conquer the world, touch lives, and change the future of education.

In the spring of 2010, two Urbana Univ. students were sent to me for a six, week field experience.

The first one , I will name Diva. It’s no surprise that I can’t even remember her name. She was extremely self-absorbed, and continuously on her phone. The fact that she never formed relationships with my students, was not a surprise. All that consumed Diva, was her upcoming wedding, and building a new home in Dublin. I seriously doubt that she ever taught a day in her life.

On the other hand, there was a very active, creative alien within my boundaries.

Within a day, she was having a love affair with the students in my classroom. They were enthralled with her love, knowledge, and care for them.

I had gone on my breaks and after school to run papers, grade journals, create homework/reading baggies, all to no avail. Miss Alix Louise had already accomplished the jobs.

After the first week, I sat her down and questioned Her. ”Who are you? Where do you come from? Who gave you this work ethic and drive for success?”

This sweet, little, country girl filled me in about her family background. Her father and step-dad both owned their businesses. Her father, throughout college, employed her. Mom was a bus driver/lover of kids. Grandma lived with the family, passing on wisdom and life experience. The writing was on the wall. Our backgrounds were very similar.

Having had many Urbana Students previously, I had formed a close relationship with the secretary in the Ed. Dept. It didn’t take long to convince Miss Mary Lee, that Miss Alix Louise had to become my student teacher.

Our relationship evolved not only into mentor/teacher, but also mother/daughter. She was to come in the fall. However, she came in August and helped me to set up the room.

She was professional in every sense of the word. The kids were enamored with her sense of humor and teaching methods.

Upon her graduation, I helped her to acquire a teaching position in a local district.

She now travels with her PT Husband, building a life of adventure. She is doing substitute teaching, and taking in the local color of her surroundings. They relocate every year.

You can catch up with my Sweet Alix Louise Wells Good. Check out her blog…Letters from A Good Friend.

Hope to see you this summer, Little Sunshine.

Love you, Daughter.

Susan Mary




  1. Alix Louise | 20th Mar 17

    You sure know how to make a girl blush!!! I’ve had so many wonderful people help shape and make me into the woman I am today!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being one of those wonderful people, Susan Mary!! Love ya!

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