PS 105:4 Look to the Lord and His strength: seek His face always.


The Star Wars Saga is an empowering genre. The music enhances emotion on a super hero spectrum. Every time I hear the theme song from the movie, it makes me feel as if I can conquer the world. One of my favorite quotes is from Master Yoda. “Either do or do not. There is no try.”

The “Who cares, let the government take care of me” mentality, really bothers me. There are at least 3 million people on government aid. Right after WWII, no such thing existed.

Don’t get me wrong, there are always people who need love, care, and attention. However, there are many who know how to work the system.

Some of the Millennial are obsessed with self. Selfies, smart phones, video games….Blah! Blah! Blah!  Sorry folks…my opinion….You need to get busy and get giving.


I was born in 1949, right after the War.

People were prayerful, were proud to work hard, and there were 2 parent families. “The Force” existed back then because our country fought against evil. We lived in a predominately Christian Nation and everyone had to work for a living. Many in America ,still have “The Force. ”However, we have lost something far more important-“The Source.”

Often at a funeral many of my Christian friends and I have this conversation. “How do people go on who don’t have faith in Christ, and a resurrection?” “How does one have hope for a future without guidance from The Holy Spirit?”

Some youth in society think we owe them everything! Hello!!!!!!! Get a life!

One thing both parents gave me was faith, and pride in success through a hard work ethic. My sister and I both studied hard for our grades. My father insisted that the girls in our family earn a college degree. There were many bricks laid down to build success.

I have a friend who lost all 3 of her adult children. “How did she survive all of that?” One asks. She has “The Source.”

Our 3 sons were raised on our dairy farm with a Jedi mentality. Christian Faith, Family, Focus, and Hard Work were the values that formed their characters. They are all successful teachers, football coaches and men of great character. My husband always taught them, ”The job is not over until the work is done.”

Here is another fun cliché he’d use as he awakened them. “Sun’s a shining. Day’s a wasting, Boys. Time to get up. We’re burning daylight!”

When I’m asked what caused our sons’ successes my answer is the following:

  1. The boys were always working with their father and grandfather, on the farm.
  2. They were at football practice and had no time to get into trouble.Their friends were hard working athletes- not drug users.
  3. I took them to their friends’ houses. They weren’t running the streets.
  4. Their parents had a strong committed marriage.
  5. They were raised with strong work and moral ethics.
  6. There was LITTLE TIME FOR VIDEO GAMES AND TV. All media needs to be under the control of the parents.
  7. Academics were of dire importance.
  8. They were raised to be confident leaders and winners.
  9. Get the job done,
  10. Don’t quit-never give up.

On a funny note….. At the time, our sons thought that we were the worst parents in the world. Now we get cards thanking us for our parenting. LOLOL… Our son that has twins is now raising his sons the exact same way.


Praise to you single moms, who are raising your children to be moral, hard working citizens. I just saw a yogurt commercial about helping your kids become the best.

The commercial is about a single mom, who works hard to become a professional referee. Her comments are the following: “I feed my daughter the best ….to make her understand that you can grow up to be the best.


So, as I was writing out these comments, I was viewing in my mind many traits of Luke Skywalker, Princess Lea, Obi Wan Kenobi, Han Solo, and Master Yoda.

They had “The Force.” As you digest The Word of God, you become indwelled with “The Source, ” which is The Holy Spirit.


I pray that you all will seek Him and Know His Love for You.



Love and prayers,
