As a young couple, who had just moved to the family farm, we needed a lot of Country TLC. The farm hadn’t been managed by family, in over 35 years. The pressure was on us to build the farm/dairy, rebuild the home, and build a life together.

Being a young farmer, my husband needed a father figure, to somewhat guide him along the way.

His father passed right after we married.

I, in turn, needed the influence of a country mom.

By the grace of God, the loving family across the road, fit the bill.

Dale, Ruthie, and Ronnie(then 16) Roberts came to our rescue, in a million different ways. Papa Dale had all of the necessities to work on equipment, and my hubby was in dire need.

At that time, I was an Art Teacher. Every eve when I came home from school, if Tom’s truck wasn’t home, I’d head across the road. Nine times out of 10, he was there, under the care of the Robert’s men.

I, on the other hand, was seeking the influence of my Country Mom, Ruthie. God has quite a sense of humor, since my own mother’s name was Ruth also.

While the men were working on equipment, we were working on dinner. Seriously, 3 to 5 times a week, we ate across the road. What a heartwarming education I received!

Being raised in Cincinnati, there were many country delicacies that I had never encountered. Here’s a list of new culinary delicacies that I was introduced to:

Chicken/beef and Noodles

Home made noodles over mashed potatoes.

Ham, soup beans, and corn bread.

Ham cooked with cabbage, onion, carrots

Pies, cobblers and home made ice cream

Ruthie’s special macaroni and cheese.

The list could go on and on.


I’d often pick wild blackberries at the back of the farm. I’d also purchase blueberries, peaches, strawberries, and apples from the local produce farm. Having summers off as a teacher gave me the opportunity to can and freeze summer produce.




However, one of my fondest memories is picking mulberries with Ruthie. Behind their ranch home was a huge mulberry tree. She explained the medicinal purposes of the berries, as well as the pastries that could be created.

As we picked mulberries, I learned a lot of life lessons. Discussions of cooking, canning, and preserving were usually the order of the day. Along with discussions of the community, culture, and who to trust, she helped to form moral opinions.

After the berries were gathered, she taught me how to make her infamous piecrust. I still use her recipe to this day.

After they passed, the kids sold the farm. Tom ,on occasion, will go across the road to pay it forward. As I pulled in the drive to take him lunch, there stood my friend. The mulberry tree beckons me to come and visit. Perhaps I’ll get to pick some this summer.

So my friends, when you have an elderly friend who is filled with love and life experience, cling to that person. Pick his/her brain. Listen. Ask questions. Most of all, hold dear to your heart the fact that, they taught YOU to pay it forward.

May God grant you the wisdom, to be a good neighbor to someone in need. Pay it forward.


Love, Granny



  1. Ronnie Roberts | 6th Mar 17

    Susie what wonderful memories! Would love to turn the hands of time back to those days for a quick visit and enjoy a slice of mom’s pie. You have filled my day with overwhelming joy. Was so easy to welcome you and Tom to our family! For me it was a natural thing to just lend a hand and feel good about being a part of your lives and new beginnings. So great full to be a part of your family and blessed that you guys have been paying forward to me and my family! Love you and God bless!

    • | 13th Mar 17

      OH LITTLE BROTHER….HAD NO IDEA YOU WERE READING MY STUFF! Tears are streaming as I read your word out loud to my tech wizard. Give Beth our love,let us know if you need anything. Yes,Little Brother…..YOU ARE THE ONE that took after Mom. Her words come through you. Love you all so very much.

  2. Jill McDavid (Roberts) | 6th Mar 17

    Reading this brings back so many memories, your Country Mom was my Grandma. I can remember how her hands would be stained from the mulberries and how she would holler at us for climbing in the tree and getting mulberry stains on our clothes. Oh how I truly miss her.

    • | 13th Mar 17

      Thanks for reading my goodies… People who have formed my character were planned totally by God. Hope my writings continue to touch your life… Sue

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