It was a Friday night, during Lent, in 2004. Both of our husbands were working, as usual. It was time for a Girlfriend Adventure. When your mothers of boys and wives of 2 workaholic men, Girlfriend Time is essential.

Now before I begin my story, I must explain many meanings contained within this picture.

  1. Extravagant Grace and Fearless Faith ,are the names that God endowed to us, during our spiritual journey. She’s wearing Ladybug slippers because she is God’s precious One…like a Ladybug. That entire story will be explained within my book, The Erstwhile Acorn . That book is in progress, and hopefully to be published next year.
  2. If you’re of Mennonite ancestry, you’ll understand that the term “Goxing” means silly talk/gossip! The term “Fressing,” means grazing at a potluck/pigging out!
  3. If you were raised Catholic, you understand that before Vatican II, Catholics always abstained from meat on Fridays. Now we follow this genre on Fridays during Lent.
  4. Both of our eldest sons played football for The Jonathan Alder Pioneers. Gracie bought the coonskin hats, I bought the cowbells.
  5. She’s wearing BIG WAX RED LIPS. When 8 of us took a trip to Myrtle Beach in ’03, she gave us all goodie bags that contained the lips. We’d used these on silly occasions. While driving we’d put them on and wave to passers –by. Sound immature and ridiculous? Absolutely!
  6. The bear she’s holding is Gracie Bear. It’s the Build A Bear that I gave her for Xmas.

Now on with the story…….

I called her on the point of insanity. Since I am the only woman, in a home with four men, I sometime take on maniacal tendencies. If I can remember, they were possibly reinforcing the fact that I was out of Stupid Pills! Lol!

“Girlfriend, if I don’t get out of this testosterone pit, I’m gonna lose it.” She responded,“Let’s have a Catholic Fressing! I’ll make the grilled cheese and French Fries. You bring the makings for chocolate malts.”

The Girlfriend Train was about to roll!

I chugged towards town and loaded by boxcar at the grocery. Ice cream, chocolate malt, milk, and M&M’s were on the menu.

As I sped to the Raber Farm the brakes squealed, as I pulled into the depot. I unloaded the cargo on the platform. However, as I glanced to the door, an apparition beheld my view.

There in the doorway stood Gracie, decked out in her paraphernalia(See above picture.)

Shock and awe consumed me! Screams and peals of laughter were exchanged between us! All of her Extravagant Grace was sent towards me. She was, and still is, the girlfriend that she held close to her heart. We loved to live on the edge of the ridiculous ! We called it survival, at the time.

The Goxing and Fressing that night were extraordinary! Grilled Cheese, French Fries, Chocolate malts, movies, hugs, tears, love, laughter: It doesn’t get any better than that!

Throughout the last 29 years, we’ve goxed, fressed, listened, loved and opened our hearts. What’s more, I have a sister in Christ, who loves me unconditionally.

Even though she moved to Delaware, we still get together. In fact, she had a knee replacement yesterday. I’ll visit her in the nursing home next week. Then once she gets home, she better get ready for a Catholic Fressing.

Love you Gracie…..Fearless Faith