I am an artist. I began my teaching career as an Elementary art teacher. I still paint and create, as the whim strikes me.

Color is a huge part of my life. It affects me in different ways. I am a winter person, when it comes to colors affecting my persona. Bright reds, blues, greens, and purples flavor my closet.

I also have an exuberance for the pen…..go figure! I won a national writing award when I was a sophomore in high school. nothing big….just a small publication.

As you all know, I had granny and mom who truly formed my faith and positive character. From the time that I was six years old, I knew that I was artistic, and good with words. However, the things that they planted in my spirit helped me to evolve and be an overcomer.

One thing that was instilled in me is that life is a canvas. You have to create your own work of ART – YOU!

Praise God that I had the parents that valued education, hard work, prayer, and faith. Grades were important to me. I knew I was smart and could realize a college degree. I graduated from Wilmington College with a B.A. degree in June of ’72. I married my sweetheart in Aug. and moved to the farm. I had begun to layer the ground works of my canvas.


( Learn more about this in my section: Musings of a Moo Cow Wife)

I taught Elementary Art for 3 years, and then became a stay at home mom. It was a great experience. However, being stuck in the boondocks, having no girlfriends, and being isolated, and suffering from post partum depression, life began to take its toll.

I had a loving husband, but he didn’t get it. His mother and aunt were the elder version of the Pigeon Sisters (The Odd Couple-original film). To say that they were small town gossips and controllers of our lives, was putting it mildly. He hadn’t a clue how to deal with a wife.

Don’t get me wrong folks, we learned, grew, and prayed to become better spouses. We are together 45 years…..and yes, he is the love of my life.

After our second son was born in’78, my world fell apart. I was hospitalized with post partum depression. The color of my young life that surrounded me was blue. I still like it immensely, even though it is a somber color.

My canvas was bleak. It took on a sudden darkness,

BUT THEN I BEGAN TO PAINT AND RECREATE…… With God’s help, I began to reach toward THE SONLIGHT (Read my auto biography,,    THE ERSTWHILE ACORN   in progress)

I prayed a lot, and had my head in God’s Word for redirection.

I began to teach preschool, make friends at church, spend quality girlfriend time, and became involved in my community. It seemed that green became my favorite color. As God walked me through His pastures of vibrant green, and led me beside His still waters, an era of peace enfolded me.

My canvas was becoming brighter!

One day, as I was teaching preschool, I literally heard God’s voice within my spirit, “You are worth it! You can teach a K through 3 in a heartbeat. Get recertified.”

I painted, using every genre I knew. I layered thickly with the palette knife of education classes and recertification. I fan brushed my way, back into our school district as an art teacher, once again in ’89. My career was highlighted, as I took on the role of Kindergarten Teacher in ’90. I fine lined my career, at the age of 45,as I received my Masters Degree from Wright State University.

I realized wisdom from Granny, ”If it’s going to be, it’s up to me.”

My canvas was bright, bold, beautiful, and filled with many shades of purple. Anyone that knows me well, realizes that my favorite color is purple.

If anyone questions me, I share boldly and proudly. “ Purple is the color of royalty. I am the Daughter of a King!”

I taught Kindergarten for 26 years, before I retired in 2014. For the past 17 years, God has had me on a spiritual journey.

I’m here, sharing life’s experiences and wisdoms. This was designed by HIM,,,,surely not me.

Remember,,, the evil one will do everything he can to make you not jump into a new genre. Trust me,

friends. Your mind will tell you…

  • You can’t do this.
  • I’m afraid.
  • I don’t know how.
  • I don’t have the time nor money

BALOGNEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! That’s a bunch of BULL!

I always yelled this when my boys were football,

“How bad do you want it?”

Give it your ultimate best.

Take a leap of faith! YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!

So my friend…get those brushes and palette ready. Buy the glazes and textures and go to it!


If you think you CAN’T…..YOU WON’T!

If you set your sites on the goal…hell won’t stop you!

I don’t want to hear, “I’m not smart enough. I’m not patient enough. I don’t have the time. I don’t have the money.” EXCUSES! EXCUSES!

There is someone you know somewhere…..that will support you. Mom, dad, grandparents, friends, church members, county mental health facilities- all of these can have your back. Pray that God leads you in the right direction. He will surround you with people to help you acquire your goals. Thank you, my Sweet Jenn Davenport, my neighbor and adopted daughter, who is my tech wizard and posting person extraordinaire. God Bless You!

When I asked my Granny about such things, the answer would always be the same, Ask yourself, “How badly do you want it?”

You have to decide for yourself:

  • Do you want to remain an addict?
  • Do you want to be homeless?
  • Do you want keep bearing children with men who are not committed to a relationship??
  • Do you want to continue in this abusive relationship?
  • Do you want to stay in your lifeless unfulfilling career?
  • The title of Megyn Kelly’s book, Settle For More, sends a powerful message. One has to push the limits to BECOME, and believe that God will help you through it. Granny always said, “Believe, and you’ll achieve.”


“I am worth it. God says so. I can do ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST, who gives me the strength.”

When you’re talking about being afraid, and fear takes hold of your brain, I’ve been there, done that. Just by saying the name of “JESUS”, makes the evil one cower and run. I climbed the tree and now look high above, and over all of the past problems.

In Joyce Meyer’s book, Battlefield of The Mind, she says it best. “If you are afraid of doing something, do it afraid.” You’ll be amazed how quickly that fear will melt.”

I don’t want to hear…..”I’m not good at anything.” WANNA BET? God does not create junk, Honey!

If you’ve been through hell, God has allowed you to walk through it, to teach you some amazing lessons. He wouldn’t have ordered me to blog, if He didn’t want me to share what I’ve learned.

Here’s a good one for ya. I was a great student. However, I was a great very right- brained student! I am an artist, writer, speaker, communicator, and dancer. Math and science, were not my partee. I still have math nightmares from Sister Not So Bright in high school. I’m very serious.

Two plus two makes six….and I don’t care!

All kidding aside…yes, I passed two statistic courses, in order to earn my Masters in Education. OH BOY! Did I ever pray, pray, and do study groups in order to get through that mess. I DID IT! With God’s help and perseverance, I did it!




Start your canvas. Pick the colors that best describe your persona and make you feel good.

Start slowly. Picasso was a child, at one time, who never picked up a brush.

Remember this.. the world needs great mechanics, waitresses, factory workers etc. In my Bible Study, there is a woman who works at Burger King. I told her, she has no idea the lives that she touches everyday.

Whenever, I am at the grocery, and a young person waits on me, I’ll purposefully look at his name tag and ask,” So Jim, are going to school right now?” This teacher says you need to shoot for the stars. What’s your plan for the future?”

Granny said, ”Some people come into your life for a reason. Some people come for just a season. It’s all part of God’s plan.”


So my friends…decide, organize, believe…and…








May God give you the wisdom and ability to recreate yourself.

Love and prayers,
