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Daily Archives: February 6, 2017


Kids on the farm lead a totally different lifestyle than other children. They have the freedom to create with nature.  However, with boys, creativity always takes on a different form. One summer afternoon, about 35 yrs. ago, my six and four year old sons were playing out in the rain. A heavy storm had come upon the farm and left tremendous puddles in which they were playing . It didn’t take long for me to figure out that they were rolling around in the puddles and throwing mud balls at one another. It’s a farm. All I did, was…


I am an artist. I began my teaching career as an Elementary art teacher. I still paint and create, as the whim strikes me. Color is a huge part of my life. It affects me in different ways. I am a winter person, when it comes to colors affecting my persona. Bright reds, blues, greens, and purples flavor my closet. I also have an exuberance for the pen…..go figure! I won a national writing award when I was a sophomore in high school. nothing big….just a small publication. As you all know, I had granny and mom who…