2Timothy 1:6-7

Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God, which is in you, through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.


When God gives you an order, the only answer is,

“Yes, Lord.” However..LOL… being somewhat OCD I ask ,”WHY ME?   YOU WANT ME TO DO WHAT?”WOW! …. But being OCD..LOL He had to tell me over…and…over…and over again.

My story is a long one. It’s full of laughter, tragedy, becoming, wisdom, and “How TOOS.” He’s the One who took my hand and led me to rebuild my life.

My first 2 books, The Erstwhile Acorn and Musings of a Moo Cow Wife, will be available and published via Smashwords, hopefully sometime next year.

God took me from a tiny erstwhile acorn, and led me to become a Mighty Burr Oak.

On four different occasions, by four different people, God gave to me the following scripture, in a very profound and a prophetic manner: HABBAKKUK 1:5

Look among the nations and watch….be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your day, that you would not believe….even if you were told.

2:1-3 I will stand my watch at the rampart, and watch to see what He will say to me. I will answer when I am corrected.

Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets ,so that a herald may run with it. For the vision awaits an appointed time; but at the end, it will speak and not lie. Though it lingers, wait for it. It will surely come.

Years ago, I began my very spiritual journey with my dear friend Linda Grace. In Sept of’98, we began to attend Weighdown Workshop at Columbus Vineyard. Oh we lost weight all right… but it was emotional baggage.

That first night, Sept 28’98, there was a young woman named Jeanne in the class. She began telling her story of depression. Gracie nudged me . I looked at her and said, ”Here I go, Girlfriend.”

I ministered to her, shared my story and my becoming. I shared my ”But God” stories. I knew that I was obedient in taking a jump and speaking out. However, that self-loathing voice(Satan) tries to tell you what a fool you made of yourself.

A few days later, I got a card from Gracie. Here were its contents.

“Girlfriend…YOU ARE THE BEST…..Here is a gift from God for being obedient.”

PS 40:9-11 To do your will is my delight. My God your law is in my heart. I announced your deed to a great assembly. I did not restrain my lips. You Lord are my witness. Your deed I did not hide within my heart. Your loyal deliverance I proclaimed. I made no secret of your enduring kindness to the great assembly.

Well, you get it…. He has revealed to me that I am to speak, and write.


Recently, I was reading a book by Pricilla Shier, entitled Fervent. In her writings she described a time when she was touring with her sister and a very well educated, prolific, and professional friend. Priscilla was encouraging her friend to begin to write down her wisdoms and knowledge in her specified field. She believed that God was encouraging her to share. The friend’s comment was the following:” I can’t. I’m scared!”

Priscilla was amazed ,that someone of her caliber would have a fearful attitude.

Needless to say, her friend TOOK THE BIG JUMP! Now she is publishing and doing God’s will.

Last week, Steve Harvey’s program contained only guests whom have TAKEN THE BIG JUMP!

The woman who started SPANX was present, along with many others who, took the leap of faith and began their own businesses.

Steve Harvey has a special gift. Not only is he a hilarious comedian, but also a devout and wise Christian. He told a bit about how he flunked out of college, and how his first marriage failed horribly. However, he knew he could make people laugh. The rest is history. “I listened to God. I jumped. I took the leap of faith. God will show you and direct your paths. Listen to Him. You may not know what’s going to happen, but God DOES!”

So now you know why I’m blogging.

THE BIG DEAL….. I was at a Women of Faith Conference with Gracie and a Vineyard group of women. During the Friday Intensive, the Holy Spirit was speaking loudly in my ear…”That’s you down there… You’re going to do this.”

I looked at Gracie and said, “He’s all over me!”

That night we went to a pizza place before the actual convention began. After we prayed one of the women spoke out. I need to make 2 things clear, before I quote her.

  1. I have not seen that woman since that day 18 yrs. ago.
  2. Gracie was the only one present that knew I was a fearful, worrisome child.

“There is someone here that the Holy Spirit has been speaking to very profoundly today. He wants you to step forward.”

As Gracie, nudged me, I spoke . “I believe it’s me. He said that I’m to write and speak of my story.”

After she pondered very quietly ,she answered. “ His answer is threefold.

  1. He wants you to know that, yes…it is going to happen.
  2. He’s going to knock your socks off.
  3. You don’t have to worry about it,

for He will make it happen.”

Note. The HABBAKKUK Scriptures were given to me many times after this occurrence.



SO NOW YOU KNOW WHY I BEGAN TO   BLOG…He’s made this happen…not me….and I am just beginning.

Wait till you see some of the things that are coming…I’m creating a Granny Character.

Oh Boy! Am I gonna have fun with this!

Joyce Meyer: ”Do it afraid, if you have to!”


Oh by the way…He’ll have you take the jump when you least expect it. My original plan was to launch the website on Granny’s birthday, May 18. God decided otherwise.

LOLOL! A month ago, I was working with Jenn, my computer Master Mind. She began, ”Sue this blog site will only cost $242 if we hit the button today. After Sunday, it’s $400.” God has an amazing sense of humor. He knew I would probably OCD over waiting until May. The time was NOW!


May God help you over the BUMP… and push you to make the BIG JUMP!

Love and prayers,








  1. Bonnie Mitchell-Cantrell | 31st Jan 17

    WOW…..so many times it is fear th at stops us from serving Ggod it the fullest. I’m glad you took the time to listen and DO! Your blog is such a bright spot in my week. GO GRANNY GO!!

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