PUPPY MADNESS…I had to be out of my mind!

Things on the Moo Cow farm are never dull. Something is always going on….someone always pulling in to talk with Farmer Thomas. Here’s our latest fiasco.


Nine years ago, my youngest son brought home a pup from his friend’s farm. Since then Appollo-nick name Polli- has been a rascal, but the joy of our lives.

Needless to say, we have become lovers of Chocolate Labs. Once they get out of their puppy stage, and become potty trained, they are the best of pets. They are great protectors, and lovers of family.

If this gives you any clue of how Polli runs the household, check out the following scenarios. He has his favorite spots: on the covered couch, under the kitchen table, or all of his 95 lbs. on Farmer Thomas’s lap in the recliner.

For years, the men in my family have begged me to find a female so Polli lives on in another generation. He is pure bred, but without papers. Due to this circumstance, a breeder would not allow him to sire.

God has given me many “God –Things,” in my life. However, this time I asked Him, “Really ? You planned it like this? You’ve got to be kidding me!”

My crazy girlfriend of 30 years, Diane called me with the following info. “Hey, Girlfriend! Whether you like it or not, I believe you’re gonna get your female lab!”

Her neighbor, Pam just got a female that she thought was fixed. OOPS! Unfortunately Pam suffers from dementia. Need I say more?

Within the allotted time, her lab gave birth to 13 pups.

For a month, I loved on this pup that had blue/green eyes. Diane and I kept marking the pup with blue, acrylic paint. You see, there was a chance that Pam could possibly give my pup to someone else. Therefore, we named the pup, Sadie Blue.

Yes… I know the difference between a boy and a girl; therefore, I should have paid more attention, instead of listening to someone with dementia

I became so attached, and was actually anticipating having another woman in the house.

Finally, on Oct. 17, I brought Sadie home. Farmer Thomas loved on her and went back to the field to plow. It wasn’t 10 mins. Later he called me. “Honey, are you sure you have a girl?”

I felt sick at my stomach. “For a month, She’s been telling me that I have a girl! OMG!” “Wait til Kyle get’s home and we’ll check things out,” he answered laughing.

Freaking out I called Diane! She in turn sent Pam’s daughter a picture of the pup. As Kyle walked in the door, I got a return text from Pam’s daughter. “Sorry, Sue. You have a boy! Exchange him!”

My husband and son were bellowing with peels of laughter. While I, on the other hand, was bawling profusely.

Through tears, I struggled to find the words.

“I can’t have 3 dogs in this house. I have worked years with your dad to remodel this old farmhouse! I can’t give him back! He’s been my baby for a month. I’ve loved on him at Pam’s. It’s the mom in me. He’s already my baby!”

Kyle looked at Tom and asked facetiously, ”Dad, is this what it was like when she found out she was pregnant with me?”

I was now crying, laughing, and all of us were in hysterics! My 3rd son was an “OOOPS” too.

After I calmed down, we talked things over. We decided to keep “Mr. Petie.” The following day, I brought home Sadie.

Yep! I had to be outta my mind! However, it’s been so sweet loving on two pups. Since I have 2 of them, they sleep all night, and don’t make a sound til Papa, comes down in the morning.


I have the feedings and the poopies timed outside. LOLOL! However, I have never cleaned up so much TT in my life! I’d be taking them outside every half hour for that to occur. I can honestly say, I should buy stock I the Swiffer and Bounty Towel Companies. I go through those products like mad.

These little monsters are teaching me daily, as well. Love, patience, kindness, discipline, routine, and how everything has it’s time under heaven.

Petie and Sadie…you drive me nuts,,,,, but what would I do without you .