Experience is the best teacher


Spiritual Wisdoms for Those Seeking the

Fruits of The Holy Spirit

Study the long generations past.


The Book of Sirach (Catholic Bible) 6:34-37

Frequent the company of the elders: whoever is wise, stay close to him. Be eager to hear every discourse; let no wise saying escape you. If you see a man of prudence, seek him out; let your feet wear away his doorstep! Reflect on the precepts of the Lord. Let His commandments be your constant meditation. Then He will enlighten your mind, and the wisdom you desire, He will grant.


“With age comes Wisdom.” My granny must have said that statement to me at least 1000 times. Life experience teaches us many things, both good and bad. One sleepless night, God laid upon my heart to write down some of Granny’s life lessons.

To my amazement, I had written down 150 statements. My eyes were opened, to say the least. I definitely had something to share. God had walked with me on a “Road Less Traveled,” as He fashioned my life. I realized that many of the life lessons and faith, from my mother and granny, aided a rebirth and at 40 yrs. of age, my “Becoming.”


I was the youngest of 13 grandchildren. My grandmother lived in our home for 14 years. She was the “Bearer of the Faith” in my family and passed it on. The Holy Spirit enlightened her (as well as my beloved mother) with The Gift of Wisdom.

Born in 1886, women were not well educated. Even though she had a sixth grade education, she was one of the wisest women that I ever knew. “Why,” you ask? She was wise in the Spirit, and in life experience. One of her favorite stories was the following: “I went to the sixth grade. They put a corset on me and sent me to work. I met your grandfather in the shoe factory (Cincinnati). We married in 1908.”

Her stories were vast, humorous, and filled with life lessons.

There is a miracle in my heritage that I need to share. My mother was born in 1916. Medical treatments were very poor. Antibiotics were non-existent. In 1918, at 2 years of age, my mother contracted meningitis. She fell into a coma for 2 days.

The doctor told my grandmother to prepare for the worst. She was at my mother’s bedside praying the rosary for 2 days and promised that if little Ruthie lived, she would spread devotion to Christ and the Blessed Mother. Her promise included purchasing a statue of the Blessed Mother for her parish.

Please understand, as Catholics, we DO NOT worship Mary. We honor her as the Mother of Our Blessed Savior. We pray to her, just as I pray to my sainted mother and granny in heaven. She is the special mother of us all.

My mother lived to 78 years of age, and birthed 4 children.  To this day, the statue of the Blessed Mother donated by my grandparents, still stands in St. Catherine’s Parish in Ft. Thomas Ky.

In my youth, I was the grandchild who sat by her side, and absorbed all of her spiritual wisdoms and life-long lessons. I was the inquisitive one. I wanted to learn all that I could. Even at that young age, she (and my mom) had something that I wanted.

It wasn’t until I was a parent myself, that I realized that granny and mom had a special gift from The Holy Spirit. They were prayer warriors.


We rocked in our chairs on our summer patio. She instructed. I listened. She lived to be 95. My paternal grandfather lived to be 106. He also was quite influential, as well. My sister and I are the two siblings of four that realized the faith and values in Granny and our beloved mother.

It has been God’s plan for our lives, that we pass these wisdoms on to the future generations. It is my heart’s desire that you realize the following: What I write, has absolutely NOTHING TO DO WITH ME!

I ‘m an ordinary person, just like you. My beloved mother taught me long ago that my Jesus has no denomination. I am a practicing Catholic. However, in the past, I attended Vineyard Columbus with a former Mennonite friend on Saturday evenings for about 10 years. I presently attend a Womens’ Vineyard Bible Study with another friend The Spirit can fill you, no matter what Christian denomination in which you choose to worship.

I am in the process of writing my life story, entitled THE ERSTWHILE ACORN and how this all came about. However, I am being an obedient servant. This former Cocoon Tenant has many stories, that will hopefully inspire you. Only through His Grace, Mercy, and Instruction, am I directed to blog.

He has been very adamant that I am to write and “Get it out there.” I have had many Divine Appointments and “God Things” in my life. He has shown me that he is my God, who has planned my life. Jeremiah 29:11…For I know the plans I have for you: plans not to harm you, but plans to prosper you; plans to give you a hope and a future.

When God gives you an assignment………. …obedience is the only answer. Three times, during three situations, and by three different people, He instructed me from the Book of Habakkuk 2:2-4 Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will surely come and will not delay.

I had a “God –Thing” occur the other day. It sealed the deal for me. Blogging is the journey I am to use to tell my stories and share His wisdom.

I was watching a program, and the elderly actress Ciceley Tyson was a guest.

When asked the question, “What profound advice would you give to the youth of today?” Her answer was something that I was taught years ago. Her quote…..” Keep company with the elderly among your family and friends. They are wise and can teach you many life lessons. Love them, respect them, learn from them, and pass it on.” This is a wisdom that the young “Selfie Generation” needs to consider. Do you realize that there are websites from elderly war veterans, who aid lives with their wisdoms?

Recently I retired as a 30 yr. educator. Now is my time to pass on and pay forward, all of the wisdoms and blessings that were placed upon my spirit.

Right before I retired, I attended my cousin’s baptism at her nondenominational church. She requested that I go to the prayer room with her beforehand. I was eager to do so. Often, this is when the Spirit gives another prayer partner an enlightening message.

We asked the Holy Spirit to be present, as we prayed. As I was ready to leave, one of the prayer partners said to me, “God wants me to tell you this…. The rollercoaster is almost over, and there is a quill that surrounds you. Do you understand any of this vision?”

As the tears began to roll, I answered, “My 30 years as an educator is about to culminate. He has very profoundly shown me that my future holds a writing career. The quill is a writing pen.”

Now, I am 66 yrs. old, wise, experienced, retired, a grandmother, and allow my life to be led by the Spirit. God has given me the name, “Fearless Faith.”

SO I INVITE YOU TO…… Rock along with this Granny…and absorb…learn….laugh….and pass it on.

May God always bless you. May life never stress you.

Love and Blessings,

