Was I ever in for a farm education!

I married Mr. Moo Cow on Aug 4th.1972. Yes, I fell in love with a man of deep faith, that I have been married to for 44 yrs. The TRUE LOVE OF MY LIFE! However…OMG! What an education I was in for…whatever experience you can’t change….will make you GROW.
This 22 year old bride…recently graduated from Wilmington College, recently married….was in for a big surprise! As young women in love, we dream of a honeymoon…never had one.If you want to call it a honeymoon. LOLOL, we laugh about it now, because we didn’t have 2 cents to rub together back then.

My Prince Charming fell off of his horse very quickly as reality set in upon us. If you see a picture of Cremowhey Dairy Farm(the herd was sold last yr. after Papa milked for 43 yrs.) in 1972, you wouldn’t recognize it now. A lot of faith,love, blood, sweat and tears went into building our dream.

This little girl thought she was a farm girl! WHATTTTTT? I was raised on 15 acres in Montgomery, a norththern suburb of Cincinnati. I lived very close to Kings Island. To add a funny note…..I worked at Kings Island right after college, the first summer it opened. A ticket to enter only cost $8.00.

Yep, I thought that I was a real country girl. My dad raised about 3 beef cattle per year, and had a huge garden. Before the insane tech era, we had weekend picnics, sports events, and tons of food at our tiny farm. We communicated one on one, laughed,and played outside.
I was raised around a lot of people. Therefore,I really became a people person. It helped me to form a sound, personality. This background helped for my future as an educator.I loved the students that I taught for 30 yrs, and their families…..AND THEY KNEW IT!

Our farm was purchased by My husband’s grandfather 100 yrs. ago. It was owned jointly by his mother and aunt. We purchased the aunt’s half, and earned his mother’s half. Trust me ,when I say we earned the farm from his mother…..WE DID! No further comments necessary.
The first time he took me to the farm, in April before we married, was an OMG experience! I had been raised in a beautiful home. My dad was an electrician and very involved in the building game. The farm house was built in 1890. The only thing that his granny did to remodel the house was to put on siding and storm windows.

It was a rental property. His Granny only cared about what it looked like on the outside. The roof leaked everywhere. The walls were made of the old horsehair plaster and lath, and no insulation.
My father rewired the entire house for our safety. He also paid for carpeting. His mother wall papered and put in a downstairs bathroom. We lived in the downstairs for 6 yrs.
Nowadays couples live together beforehand and save money ,before they are married. granny always drilled into me….WHY BUY THE COW IF THE MILK IS FREE?!!! SO GLAD THAT I LISTENED AND CHOSE A GODLY MAN WHO WAS IN IT FOR THE DURATION.

The young generation thinks they have to have everything right NOW! Many women leave their husbands due to this fact….AND YOU MADE A HUGE MISTAKE!
I cried a lot, prayed a lot, and followed my Granny and mom’s advice.”Dig in Deep! Pull yourself up by your bootstraps. …. GET THE JOB DONE ATTITUDE IN GEAR. Don’t whine about it. God will teach you huge life lessons,as you grow together. Muddle through those puddles together with faith. It will be hard, but in the end, it will all pay off.”

I didn’t listen very well, which caused a strain on our marriage. Any other young chick who needed stuff, would have been long gone.

One of the hardest things for me to learn as a farm wife……. We have to buy the equipment, to grow the crops, to make the money, to remodel the house. YUCK!!!!! I WAS NOT A HAPPY CAMPER! BOY OH BOY WAS GOD TEACHING ME HOW TO PRIORITIZE!!!

THE FALL OF ’72…IT rained…..and rained… and rained. We had little equipment. It was so wet he couldn’t get another farmer to harvest our crops. He bought a used combine. A local dealer knew my hubby was a young buck …AND KNOWINGLY SOLD HIM A LEMON. God has a sense of humor. The gentleman’s business eventually failed.
Lord God help us! Guess what He did? My God always makes a way where there is no way.


  1. Janie Altrogge | 9th Jan 17

    Congratulations on your launch! May God bless and lead you

    • suecutler613@gmail.com | 16th Jan 17

      Hey Roomie… Thanks DIZZ…remember, Mr. Tiny(TOM) gave you that name. love and prayers. ORT

  2. Sandy 'Betack' | 12th Jan 17

    My dear sweet susieq, you did go through the puddles! I remember summer of 1982, 10 years in and working towards a dream. And another addition to the family!;-)
    God has brought you to and through. I am so glad you hung on!! I wouldn’t have known you if you hadn’t.
    Love you!

    • suecutler613@gmail.com | 16th Jan 17

      Sandy B… how I love you! The one who lived with me for 6 weeks after my hysterectomy and took care of me, My hubby, and 3 small sons. Friends are friends forever, if The Lord’s the Lord of them…. always..Lunch soon. SuZQ

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