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Daily Archives: January 9, 2017


I married Mr. Moo Cow on Aug 4th.1972. Yes, I fell in love with a man of deep faith, that I have been married to for 44 yrs. The TRUE LOVE OF MY LIFE! However…OMG! What an education I was in for…whatever experience you can’t change….will make you GROW. This 22 year old bride…recently graduated from Wilmington College, recently married….was in for a big surprise! As young women in love, we dream of a honeymoon…never had one.If you want to call it a honeymoon…


GRANNY’S WISDOM: Spiritual Wisdoms for Those Seeking the Fruits of The Holy Spirit Study the long generations past.   The Book of Sirach (Catholic Bible) 6:34-37 Frequent the company of the elders: whoever is wise, stay close to him. Be eager to hear every discourse; let no wise saying escape you. If you see a man of prudence, seek him out; let your feet wear away his doorstep! Reflect on the precepts of the Lord. Let His commandments be your constant meditation. Then He will enlighten your mind, and the wisdom you desire, He will grant. &nbsp…

About Sue Cutler

Born November 12,1949 in Cincinnati, Oh… Yes I am 67 and living life to its fullest! “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens Me” Phil 4:13 After 12 years of Nuns, OMG! LOL!… God really helped me get over Catholic guilt. Received a BA from Wilmington College in 1972 Married Tom Cutler August 4, 1972 – Moved to the family farm which is now a Century Farm Read Musings from a Moo Cow Wife on here or on FB. You will learn how a young bride, who thought she was a country…